anyone ever had their fortune told?


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or been to a clairvoyant or similar?
been talking to various people about this and they all say they were dead on with what they've said?
i would love to go and see one but atm im too scared! lol
anyone got any experiences?


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One of my closest friends pays $600-1000 a month on a psychic.. honestly I think its bullshit.. I went to a Taro reading twice.. they basically tell you what you want to hear.. and in my case I went with my best friend twice.. and both the 'psychics' kindda talk to you before the reading and watch your interaction with whomever you went with, then tell you shit based on what she observed.. like my friend was broke so I told her I would pay for her reading.. so the psychic went on and on about how generous I was and how people take advantage of me especially in relationships.. which is some shit anybody could guess about a giving person.. she also read the crystal ball on me.. told me I would be married with kids by age 28.. well I'm gonna be 28 Nov 1st and no prego lol


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I went to see a local fortune teller when i was 18, exactly 2 days after my highschool graduation. Four years later at 22 years old ..... i can say she really creeped me out that day...

I paid about $120 to get my fortune told. It was a woman in her late 40's early 50's who came to greet me. There was no crystal ball or anything, just a small round table with a multicolored table cloth and 2 chairs sitting on the opposite sides of each other. She didnt say a word to me nor did she ask me any questions nor did the lady who i paid the money to asked me anything, she just poined at the chair across of her and i sat. She then placed my hands into her palm and held it. She closed her eyes and the first sentance that came out of her mouth was.. You are in love with a young man... Me and my boyfriend at the time, now husband have been dating since i was 16... about 2 minutes later she said you are going to start a family with this man, and have 3 children. She then said oh.... you started early with him didnt you? I sense you have a baby [I was 4 months pregnant at the time, and i was barely showing i just looked very bloated, after that comment i wanted to leave because she really did creep me out.]
.......she went to say a few other things but i forgot what it was....

Then she went to my education, and told me that i will fly through college in a breeze, and I did. I hardly studied yet and i left college after 2.5 years of undergrad work and got accepted into pharmacy school. I dont know how i got through my undergrad work with a new born and working 40 hours a week. And she went on to say i would be successful but my happiness doesnt come from having a sucessful career...

She talked about family and love a lot... And she went on for about 40 minutes, and i think its safe to say i do not want to go through that experience again, because i am officially scared at how she knew all of this...

Well my husband also saw a fortune teller a different one. He went when he was 17, and that fortune teller told him he would have 4 children and more than one lover... SOOOOOOOOOOO............. *COUGH* if i have 3 children and he has 4 children ..... *cough* someone was cheating and it wasnt me....~~!

Well that was my experience.


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I once saw a tarot reader while I was in New Orleans (had to, right?). She said I would have to choose between a dark haired man and a blonde, but would choose the dark haired man. Well, I ended up with a redhead. lol

I did have one very creepy experience though, but it was with no professional "psychic." I was at a pub (I was underage, my friend and I snuck in when I was 16) and a guy too old for me was beside me at the bar talking to me. I was too polite then, so I chatted with him. At the time I was in a serious live-in relationship. Anyways, the guy asked to see my hand, so I showed him. He looked at my palm and said that either I or somebody very close to me would die a violent death. What a f'ing weirdo. He creeped me out so bad.

When I was about to turn 19 my boyfriend (the one I was with during the palm reading at 16) died in a violent car accident. Months later I was reading my old diaries and when I read that, chills went up my spine. Too f'ing weird. Coincidence maybe. Most everyone will experience the death of a loved one, but still.


A lot of times I think that fortune telling can be self fulfilling prophecies, same with astrology readings. However, its still fun to play around with. Ive done some tarot readings by people in my dorm at college and it was interesting. I liked my room mate's take on tarot, that it doesn't necessarily predict the future but that it can make you take a look at your current situation and how your relationships are/where they could be going.


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I had a super creepy experience with one. She took me into her prayer room and began chanting in another language. She started looking like she was having pseudo convulsions.

She claimed ten people had it out for me and wanted my life to be pure Hell. Nine of them were women and one was a very weak male living under the rule of a very dominant woman. He was full of rage. Most of these people wanted me to die. According to her, one of the females was going to graveyards putting spells on all the people she interacts.

I am giving you the highlights of what she said. It was so darn creepy.

To make short of it, I said, "Lady, you are just wanting to take me for all I am worth. Right?" She started using Bible scriptures and got angry that I would not pray with her. She told me to leave, because I had just told her that I was broke.

I do think there are people that are psychic. However, I absolutely believe there are a lot of scam artists claiming to be psychic to make a quick buck.


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I've had my tarot cards read a couple of times. Honestly I thought the predictions were very vague and could be true of lots of people. Nothing was terribly specific and if you read alot of people's cards and remembered their reactions you could make a reading that was true. Some people are really good at cold reading and make lots of money doing it. Once you know some of the tricks its not very mysterious. A good card reader is very open minded.
I like to read my own tarot cards sometimes. I don't get yes/no answers but rather a path to consider following and subconscious thoughts i have.
I don't like readings from Ouija boards. I think people get negative readings from them in the form of absolutes. It doesn't give you options or the feeling that you control your destiny. I don't really believe that evil spirits possess it, but I think it brings more harm than good.


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I've gone twice, both of the ladies had done a reading for my mum, and she really liked them. Also, what ever they said "came true" in a way. My mum, has always said that no matter who tells your "fortune" it may not happen in that perticular order, or be exactly what they said. In some way, what they've both told me has "come true" aswell. The second lady I saw recommended and book to my mum when she gave her a reading, and the book was seriously a big help in her life.

Both of them used cards in their readings to interpret what the "angels" were trying to communicated with us too. The second reading I had was DEAD ON to what had been happening in my life recently with my dad, school, and other things, and she had not talked to my mum at all previous to the reading (except for her own readings, and she doesn't talk about me in those). Also, she quickly knew that I was thinking of going to college in Toronto and that I was thinking about majoring in an Art related background. Just incase you thought, "Oh, well lots of people from Ontario go to school in Toronto...", I previously was think about going to New York, after travelling for a while.

I know a lot of people are skeptical about this stuff, I think it depends on who you see and how they perform their readings. For me, PERSONALLY, I don't belive that Syliva Brown is all she's cracked up to be....I don't know. I've seen her on Montel a couple of times, but she just seems to repeat a lot of what the audience member she is focused on I saying, and doesn't really answer their question(s) directly. When I went to my readings, during both of them, I barley said a word, until the end when she asked me if I had any questions.


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I've wanted to go. But its been drilled into my head, when I was younger, that its a sin to do that!! so even at carnivals, where the pretend ones are, I cant bring myself to go! Ah! Its the weirdest thing ever.

But i have always been curious. I've never been able to play the Ouiji board for the same reason! and Im not religious at all!haha weird right?


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I have a few times when I was younger, The info was very vauge and generalized like "you'll move house in 6 - 12 months" seriously what 20y/o doesn't move house in that time frame, it's either the lease is up or your moving out from the parents place.
Anyway I think they are a scam.