Anyone ever ordered any MAC from


Well-known member
I've had this site bookmarked for some time but never ordered anything. Has anyone ever ordered anything from them?
They have discontinued items. All prices are in CAD.


Well-known member
I know some have had good luck, but I haven't. I ordered once and got a stale product, one that was out of it's box and looked like it had been used and a lipglass that was something other than what it was listed as. Soo....for me, not so much.


Well-known member
I have ordered some of pigments from that site. Deckchair, Blue something, and Blue storm. They were all in good condition. I also got some pressed powder and one e/s and they were all boxed and new.

I don't buy it if it is marked as unboxed or lip products. I buy everything from MAC website for lipglasses and others when new collections come out.


Well-known member
I just ended up B2Ming my stuff, as I didn't want to deal with the hassle of returning them. As Juli said, it is a good idea to buy lip products or emollient products from an original MAC distributer. On the topic of boxes, I too would only buy a boxed product, but just to note: the things I ordered where indicated to have a box.

2nd stage MAC dealers are a crap shoot. You never know what you will get. The only one I trust is a CCO. Other than that, it is MAC, Nords, Macys or Gloss for me. I've learned it's just safer.


Well-known member
yes, i have ordered from them very recently. i just received (2 days ago?) a vanilla pigment (good condition), too faced beach bunny chronicle (good condition), nars lovejoy (good condition), and mac e/s in melody. i was so surprised to see melody up there i had to grab it. the only problem when i received it is there was a bit of a lighter coating on the top layer of the melody. i just swiped it 2x with an eyeshadow brush and now its vibrant. not that big a deal to me. hth!


Well-known member
I have read it here on Specktra that Bombshellbargains is the sorta Canadian version of CCOs??
But then someone also mentioned there isn't any CCO in Canada. I guess they pick up d/c'ed items somewhere and list them on the website. Sometimes, I think when they say unboxed lipglosses esp the lancome juicy tubes, they were either testers and counters or they picked up bunch at a company sales locations. (or an outlet)