Anyone from SWITZERLAND?


Well-known member
I'm moving there soon. Do they sell pigments at the MAC stores there? If so, how much are they there?

Any feedback is welcome.

Corvs Queen

Well-known member
I've heard that everything is Switzerland is super, super, SUPER expensive.

.................yeah, I know, not much help huh? Sorry.


Well-known member
It is def more expensive than here in Canada... I have bought stuff there before. But, Swiss people also earn way more money. ;-)

But I just never bought pigment there so I don't know if they have it...


Well-known member
Well I didn't want to wait for a reply so I called long-distance. lol

If anyone wants to know, pigments are 33 CHF, Eyeshadows 22 CHF and the biggest selection is at the Jelmoli in Zurich.

So, when I do the conversions and include tax to the Canadian products (tax is included in Switzerland), it's only about $4.50 CAD more for a pigment and $1 more for an eyeshadow.

That's all right. When I factor in Purchasing Power Parity of income to purchase, the eyeshadows are cheaper for Swiss people, and the pigments are about the same.


Well-known member
oh something you might wanna know: there is B2M in Switzerland!! just in case you are wondering why I'm so excitied: we don't have B2M in Germany, so you're a lucky girl


Active member
As far as I know eyeshadows are 21 and not 22...oh well you can buy eyeshadows in pan form at every counter. They're 16 swiss francs.
it's not super, super, super expensive. Some products are cheaper than in other european countries.
And yes, we do have B2M

I have a pricelist for m.a.c products in switzerland. PM me if you want me to send it to you.


Well-known member
Oh ok. Well, dunno, that's what the saleslady said on the phone. Maybe she made a mistake, or the prices have increased. I called the store in Bern, in the Loeb. She said that was also the smallest MAC location in the entire Europe!

Where in Switzerland do you live?


Active member
I live in Bern. It's not THAT small...But I probably only say that because I'm used to it =X

The counter in Basel (in Globus) is smaller though. But they also have another (bigger) counter in Douglas.
You find pretty much everything in the Jelmoli in Zurich. It's the best one!
Where will you live?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by TwinkPink
I live in Bern. It's not THAT small...But I probably only say that because I'm used to it =X

The counter in Basel (in Globus) is smaller though. But they also have another (bigger) counter in Douglas.
You find pretty much everything in the Jelmoli in Zurich. It's the best one!
Where will you live?

I'm not sure yet where I'll be, probably either near Bern or Zurich. I have been to the one in Bern before, it is small. Compared to the stores in North America, at least. I usually go to the pro store here though because it's about 5 minutes by foot from my house. (Bad news!
) They have everything.


Well-known member
Hey...I am moving to Switzerland in about six weeks (I'm going to live there for at least 10 months studying at the Universite de Lausanne), so I'm glad to see there are a few Swiss MAC junkies. All of you are talking about Zurich...I'll be in Lausanne, so any idea if there's a store there or in Geneva that carries MAC?

Generally, are the release dates the same time as the UK? I am glad I get to haul A Muse before I leave. I am going to try to be good after that though, saving my money for travel, you know.

That is awesome about B2M, and I'm glad that the prices aren't much more.


Active member
MAC is avaible at the store called "Globus" in Geneva

And the release dates are not like in the UK. Sometimes they are but you can't really be sure about it.