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OK someone in TX (Shimmer?) hopefully knows this story...
But this art teacher in Texas decided to take some kids on a fieldtrip to a high art museum. This teacher has been teaching art for 28 years.
A kid happens to glace around and in the corner or another room she happens to see a piece of art that has nudity. I think it was a statue that was nude.
Kid goes home to tell the parents after this field trip: Mommy Daddy I saw a NUDE Painting.
Mom and dad go complain to the principal.
The teacher gets fired. BUT the school board is claiming the teacher got fired due to Perfomance issues.
Now let me tell you as a former parapro in the state of GA, I doubt its much different in TX but everything gets blown out of proportion here.
Now let me ask this-how "Sensitive" and what not are these parents today? I didn't know whether to vomit or to laugh at the stupidity of it. But then again when I was working with the county you can't even hug a child or you're molesting them. *rolls eyes* But this is what has me so upset.
1) The teacher cannot call ahead and say: Listen I'm bringing kids to your museum, can you please remove ANY FORM OF NUDITY so the children will not get "OFFENDED"
2) The PARENTS signed the permission slip. MANY schools will refuse to send a child on a school trip without a permission slip. This is parental responsiblities folks. If you're going to get that offended by something maybe the parent should've called the museum.
God forbid. That would require taking part in the childs activities!
3) It's the human body. I can understand if it was a small child (K-5). I really can but I have a feeling this was renissance or greek art etc. It's been around for hundreds of years. And I even have a stronger feeling that these kids were not k-5.
I heard this on the radio today and it just made me amazed at many things. It just shows where our culture is headed and the state of our minds right now.
1) Government schools are supposed to raise the kids. The parents should have absolutely NO responsibility in what the kids are going to do on field trips etc. (sorry thats just one of those things I hate and saw so much of, thank GOD for the kids that actually have good parents that DO check up and everything for them)
2) Political Correctness-It's nudity. You're offended by nudity. You're kid saw nudity at a museaum. You cannot have nudity. It's offensive. No Nudity ANYWHERE in the museum least the virgin eyes of the child might accidently see it.
3) Shielding the kids-No I'm talking about real dangers out there like bullying, drug usage, kidnapping etc but I am talking about being way to protective. The kid falls you sue the school system. Kids do that though, they fall. Kid looks around you get a teacher fired. Kids do that they look at things they aren't supposed to see. My question is what is to happen in the future? What are we teaching our kids?
a) We are teaching them if we dont like something we just complain and complain and then something happens.
b) If that doesn't work you sue the people
3) The school system: Don't even get me started with the school systems.
4) The teacher cannot do her job least she fear she OFFENDS Somebody and because of that guess what happens?
her perfomance goes DOWN
Im sorry this just throughly upsets me a lot because now because this one parent complained nobody in that county I suspect will ever get to go on a field trip to an art museum ever again.
But this art teacher in Texas decided to take some kids on a fieldtrip to a high art museum. This teacher has been teaching art for 28 years.
A kid happens to glace around and in the corner or another room she happens to see a piece of art that has nudity. I think it was a statue that was nude.
Kid goes home to tell the parents after this field trip: Mommy Daddy I saw a NUDE Painting.
Mom and dad go complain to the principal.
The teacher gets fired. BUT the school board is claiming the teacher got fired due to Perfomance issues.
Now let me tell you as a former parapro in the state of GA, I doubt its much different in TX but everything gets blown out of proportion here.
Now let me ask this-how "Sensitive" and what not are these parents today? I didn't know whether to vomit or to laugh at the stupidity of it. But then again when I was working with the county you can't even hug a child or you're molesting them. *rolls eyes* But this is what has me so upset.
1) The teacher cannot call ahead and say: Listen I'm bringing kids to your museum, can you please remove ANY FORM OF NUDITY so the children will not get "OFFENDED"
2) The PARENTS signed the permission slip. MANY schools will refuse to send a child on a school trip without a permission slip. This is parental responsiblities folks. If you're going to get that offended by something maybe the parent should've called the museum.
God forbid. That would require taking part in the childs activities!
3) It's the human body. I can understand if it was a small child (K-5). I really can but I have a feeling this was renissance or greek art etc. It's been around for hundreds of years. And I even have a stronger feeling that these kids were not k-5.
I heard this on the radio today and it just made me amazed at many things. It just shows where our culture is headed and the state of our minds right now.
1) Government schools are supposed to raise the kids. The parents should have absolutely NO responsibility in what the kids are going to do on field trips etc. (sorry thats just one of those things I hate and saw so much of, thank GOD for the kids that actually have good parents that DO check up and everything for them)
2) Political Correctness-It's nudity. You're offended by nudity. You're kid saw nudity at a museaum. You cannot have nudity. It's offensive. No Nudity ANYWHERE in the museum least the virgin eyes of the child might accidently see it.
3) Shielding the kids-No I'm talking about real dangers out there like bullying, drug usage, kidnapping etc but I am talking about being way to protective. The kid falls you sue the school system. Kids do that though, they fall. Kid looks around you get a teacher fired. Kids do that they look at things they aren't supposed to see. My question is what is to happen in the future? What are we teaching our kids?
a) We are teaching them if we dont like something we just complain and complain and then something happens.
b) If that doesn't work you sue the people
3) The school system: Don't even get me started with the school systems.
4) The teacher cannot do her job least she fear she OFFENDS Somebody and because of that guess what happens?
her perfomance goes DOWN
Im sorry this just throughly upsets me a lot because now because this one parent complained nobody in that county I suspect will ever get to go on a field trip to an art museum ever again.