anyone know what this is?

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Well-known member
is a link to an ebay auction for a ' 2006 MAC Cosmetic TRAINING Employee Makeup MANUAL ' is this real?


Well-known member
The document often called the "MAC Bible" is the Product Knowledge Manual, a training guide and product content book. It is given to MAC employees at the beginning of their employ, and is to be returned at the cessation of employ. It is a document to which Estee Lauder and its subsidiaries hold the copyright, and reproduction, sale, and other forms of distribution of the document are copyright infringement. Copyright infringement is in many jurisdictions, such as the United States, a strict liability tort or crime, also known as theft and piracy. CDs, files, and other forms of duplication of the document is illegal. Specktra does not permit or condone the exchange of the Product Knowledge Manual.
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