Anyone know where I can get this jacket???

Stephie Baby

Well-known member
I absolutely love it! I've tried on a few different types, but they always look to big for me because I have skinny arms. In this picture it fits her perfect!! Anyway, does anyone have an idea of where I might be able to get a jacket like this or something similar? This outfit is so awesome!!



Well-known member
Originally Posted by jilliandanica
I think if you've found a jacket that you like you should just get it tailored to fit.

ITA! Try searching in second hand clothing stores, I see a lot of military jackets or military style jackets there, and if you take it to a tailor it can be custom fitted and one of a kind


Well-known member
Victoria's coat is Balenciaga.This pic is from last year though, so I'm not sure if you can still find it in stores.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Deena
Victoria's coat is Balenciaga.This pic is from last year though, so I'm not sure if you can still find it in stores.

its "old" by industry standards so maybe you can find it at a discounted price