Anyone using 2 sets of brushes for light & dark shadows?


Active member
Some questions I've been wanting to ask:-

1. I was just wondering whether anyone uses 2 sets of the SAME e/s brush for light & dark shadows, so that the color residue don't mix, and fall out onto each other (for eg, dipping into a light highlight shadow with the same brush that has been used for dark shadows)

2. Is it worth it to buy, say for example, 2 sets of Mac #219 e/s brush, to use with light & dark eyeshadows? You see, I'm finding that the #219 is great for putting highlight powders on the tear duct. It really deposits it at the exact place without it going all over your eye.
However, I also like using the #219 for the v-corner of the outer eye, and for that, I do a smokey eye.

Has anyone ever got 2 brushes of the same time, like what I mentioned above to do light and dark shadows?

3. I'm also very tempted to get another #187 to use separately with a) highlighters like By Candlelight, or other light highlighting colors and also to buff face powder/mineral foundation; b) all other red/coral type blushes, including MSFs like Stero Rose. Is it worth it to get 2 full-sized #187?

....OR am I just being anal and Mac-mad??!! I have one each of #219 and #187, both full-sized, and was going to get this year's Tartan brush sets that have those same SE brushes, however, the quality of the #219 really wasn't good at all.

So...wonder what everyone's views are. Thanks in advance!


Well-known member
I just use the same brush and use brush cleaner spray (a cheap one from priceline) in between colours...before that, I used to just wipe off the excess powder on my hand and continue lol!


Well-known member
Interesting that I have 4 sets of the same brushes--3 of which are listed in your op, for the EXACT same reasons! So no, obviously I don't think you are crazy at all (although some of those are mini/travel size).

I also have 2 168 brushes (one travel size). I use one for blush and another for highlighting.

I do think it is a good idea to get 2 of each, and you can really save money if you get a mini brush set, although the quality is lower. I use the low quality 219 for smudging, personally.


Well-known member
I must be crazier still.. I have 6 sets of brushes which I rotate all the time... and about two miscell of each kind of brush which I have ever met


Well-known member
I just wash my brushed often and find that as long as I do that, swiping the brush on a tissue between colours does the trick well enough. I do have two 187's though. One for foundation and one for bronzer :)


Well-known member
I clean my brushes with each use. I do tend to use my lighter bristled brushes in light colors and my dark ones in darker colors. It just makes me feel better that the brushes won't get stained (or rather, I don't see the stains).


Well-known member
I keep a paper towel handy and if I want to use the same brush for different colors I just give it a good back and forth swipe on the paper between colors.


Active member
I have 2 217 and they get used all the time :p From concealer to eyeshadow. So if you can use the brush for different items then why not have two(or if you just feel like it;)) :p But for the 219 I personally think one is enough just use it with the light colour first :)


The only brushes i have two of are the 252 and the 217 .... for the reason of not transferring darker colors when im trying to use lighter ones as well... but honestly most of the time i just wipe the brush on a towel and keep going....... it doesnt make that much of a difference.


Well-known member
Haha I have two 239s and three 217s.
One 239 I use for light shadows, and the other I use for dark.
One 217 I use for concealer, one I use to put dark colours in my crease, and one I use to blend colours out.
These are the only brushes I find that I need duplicates of.

Other brushes, though, I just substitute for something else similar if I need a different shade of eyeshadow/blush/etc.


Well-known member
I have duplicates - I've got 2 x 219s so I can highlight the inner corner with a lighter shadow and use the second one for dark colours. I also have 2 x 187s so I can use one for foundation and the other for powder/blush/bronzer. I also have a lot of ELF brushes I keep handy as "spares" (eg if I already used my good MAC brush and need a second then I just grab the ELF version) - there's no way I could afford to have MAC duplicates of every brush I have already.


Well-known member
not yet but i will soon! just trying to decide which ones i want dupes of first.