Anyone watch the view?


Well-known member
Rosie is off her rocker. I don't buy into that 9/11 conspiracy business but I'm more pissed that she thinks that Iranian kidnapping of 15 British sailors and Marines is a British engineered stunt!


Well-known member
I hate Rosie O'Donnell. I mean she has never been that great to me. She's never been one to actually think up of things by herself. She's more of a follower regurgitating what she's heard from someone else.


And this is just one more prime example of it.


Well-known member
I'll be honest, I can't decide if Rosie or Elisabeth is more annoying! Sorry for those of you who are fans, but these ladies have made the View less and less appealing to me. It is good that they all speak their minds, but when they argue with each other and constantly interrupt each other it gets very irritating...


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Fairybelle
I'll be honest, I can't decide if Rosie or Elisabeth is more annoying! Sorry for those of you who are fans, but these ladies have made the View less and less appealing to me. It is good that they all speak their minds, but when they argue with each other and constantly interrupt each other it gets very irritating...

Haha I was thinking the same thing... I can't hear a word any of them are saying when there all clucking at the same time.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by lipstickandhate
I just like how Rosie is so anti-firearm and then has armed body guards for both her and her children.

It is so funny that you bring that up because while I was making lunch I was thinking about what a hypocrite because of that particular issue. I liked her when she had her show, back when she was all "I love Tom Cruise." Now that she's this militantly scary lesbian, I can't stand her. (and don't jump on me for the lesbian reference, I don't dislike her because of her sexuality, I dislike who she has turned into since she came out)


Well-known member
She's a hysterical meathead. I met her once at a fund raiser in Manhattan and she is totally classless. She was holding court and loudly and obnoxiously discussing her opinions on a recent iindictment, which predictably, she knew nothing about. I just have no respect for people who are not only ill-informed but also righteous. I would never attempt to wax poetic about the live decisions of a morbidly obese lesbian television personality living the fabulous life in New York City and I would appreciate the same respect in return. Not impressed.

Oh and hahahaha, I just read where apparently she announced she believes 911 was an inside job on the View... hahahahaha I don't even have words...

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
The only thing I liked Rosie on recently has been Nip/Tuck, when she played an annoying, trashy woman who suddenly got wealthy.


Well-known member
I don't watch the view. They fall into the "hysterical woman" category and I find that...just ugh.


Well-known member
There has only been one show I can watch with Rosie in and that's a League of their own. I think it's because Madonna was in there- but also Tom Hanks. With Tom Hanks anything is paletable

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
League of Their Own rocked. I think it was fine, because Rosie wasn't in it all that much, and she wasn't as crazy then as she is now, or she was better at hiding it.

I don't get the point of The View, but I generally don't like talk shows. They seem to just take archetypes and exploit it, rather than have decent discussion.


Well-known member
I loathe Rosie O'Donnell.
And, I sincerely hope Baba wawa drops her from the piece of shit show.


Well-known member
wow. shes an Idiot.

I loathe her as well.. I have never been able to stand her. I wish she would STFU.
I hate the view, as RaeRae said.. I dont understand whats going on because all the old women bickering the entire time..


Well-known member
i like how my brother is in iraq right now getting shot at and not knowing if he's ever going to see his wife or his family again so that rosie can sit back here and discount all of his and his comrade's efforts and question every move that our government makes.

she acts like she knows the inner workings of politics, the government and war...tell me though, how many times has she been president? how many political positions has she held? how many wars has she been in charge of fighting? how much time has she spent in the military?

and about the world trade center 7, please do find me a physicist that can't figure out why that fell, because he obviously is in the wrong field of study if he can't even figure that out. there's this thing called rubble that fell on the building from those two 110 story towers that got knocked down. and i'd like rosie to call me out on that, because i watched wtc 7 fall live on the television, it didn't just randomly implode. maybe if she gave a fuck about her country and her fellow man, she'd have seen it too and she'd understand. but i guess when our country went through that horrible time, she was too busy throwing koosh balls at movie stars to really notice.

one day she's going to piss off the wrong person with her hysterics.

i seriously feel like the media is trying so hard to vilify all the wrong people in this's like they want another viet nam, and it's terrifyingly disappointing to know that it could very well end up that way.