Apparently I look like a clown FOTD


Well-known member
NOT A CLOWN! More like a porcelain doll! Your skin and makeup are FLAWLESS! Keep up the amazing work


Well-known member
You are soooo beautiful. If you were at my counter, you would have been inspiration not the recipient of criticism.

Be proud. You're gorgeous.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by DigitalRain
What a stank bitch!! I think you should have called her out, you had witnesses!! I would love for some one to do that to me so I can give them the worst cuss out of the century.

Some people need to stop sipping on that haterade, for real.


"I will CUT you!"


Well-known member
Your eyes are awesome! The lady shouldn't even be at the MAC counter if she thinks you're wearing too much. You look great!


Well-known member
What a rotten, jealous beeyotch. She should have kept her mouth shut if she was gonna say something nasty..

ANYWAY, you look awesome, the makeup is gorgeous so just disregard the haters!


Well-known member
shes crazy you dont look like a clown at all. You look very nice, I dont want to come off rude or anything but wouldve been nice if you added some lipstick the same color as your lipliner.


Well-known member
Had that lady been drinking?
Wait a minute let me guess the type; older lady, wrinkly skinned with a preferance to "nudes" you can berely see and blending which is nothing short off atrocious.Add the spidery lashes and the safe option of a soft berry toned lipstick and you have the classic boring look.
If it was a younger girl then I can only say she was jelous off your skills but the older genaration doesn't seem to appreciate or understand the creativity.

You look great, the lady shoud have kept her mouth shut.


Well-known member
That's the wonderful world of haters! She was prolly jealous that she can't even apply make up right so she just hated on the best thing she could find

You look great,as always!


Well-known member
I don't know why it always surprises me that there are still people out there with NO home just gets worse and worse! You're rockin it and that's what matters


Active member
If clowns looked like you, nobody would be scared of them! I bet she was just jealous, your make up looks great


Well-known member
It's a lot of makeup, but it's expertly applied and very glamorous.

That lady was probably schlumpy and sad looking.


Well-known member
i love it. and if you look like a clown than i wonder what did she look like? because i think you look beautiful. and i love it.


Well-known member
well that is what customers are for.. to say stupid ignorant things. you're a friggin artist. That person was an idiot.


Well-known member
Wow, you're beautiful <3 such perfect skin and flawlessly applied makeup!
I love the eyes...


Well-known member
yea if a clown means a beautiful girl..then yes. haha that girl needs to learn what beautiful makeup is before she starts calling people names.

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