applying fluidline


Well-known member
I would love to hear how you all apply fluidline...r/o for mine
I use full size #266 start from the center of my eyelid and use sort of a dot to dot with placing the liner well dashes then I go the other way. I was wondering if using the #266 SE would be easier to control?


Well-known member
I use a 209 and 266SE. 209 for my waterline and 266SE to line my lid. I tried my cousins reg size 266 and it was much more difficult for me to line my lid with it. However when I line people's lids I use a 209 on them.

idk it's weird, 209 wont give me a straight line but if I'm doing it on other people the line is perfect.

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
I use a quarter inch angle brush frm the art show and slowly drawing a line around my top eyelid from the outer corner and then again from the outer corner to the mid part of my lower lid.


Well-known member
I use this Bare Escentuals brush (similar to the 209). I just can't do the angled brush thing with my black liners. I use it when I have to pack on Waveline or Ostentatious.


Well-known member
I use those small little liner brushes that look like it's made out of 4 bristles all together. I used to use the 266, but I realized soon that this was so much easier to handle


Well-known member
I use a 266SE but I don't have the regular sized brush to compare it to. I like the control I have with the brush and I do the same thing you do - I start from the middle then go out toward the outside of my eye but then I do the same thing going in the other direction with shorter strokes toward the inner eye. Does that make any sense haha? It tends to work out for me although I have a hard time making a really thin line...


Well-known member
I use this mini eyeliner brush made by Lilique. The tip is so fine so it makes it easier to draw a straight line. I got it at planet beauty but for some reason it's not showing up on the website nor on the web anywhere which is really strange to me
. I guess I'll have to take a picture to show you guys...

If I do a wing I use the 266. It's great for making a perfect line, I just found this out recently lol. Boy have I been missing out!


Well-known member
i've tried using the 266 with my f/l and it doesn't work for me... so i save it for lining with shadows.

I use the 209 eyeliner brush, but it can end up creating a very thick line if you're not really careful and slow with it.

i also have two fine point artist brushes on hand - a 5/0 and a 2/0. these are similar to the 209 (they're just smaller), so it they make it much easier to draw a fine line, especially if you're in a hurry. another thing - they are super cheap! mine cost $1.95 and $3.95.

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
ITA about the art brush thing. The nice thing about art brushes is that they're initially cheaper than makeup brushes and they actually go on sale!

I forgot to add that I also use a 1/8 inch angeled brush to do delicate fancy line stuff in the outer corner.


Well-known member
If the fluidline is really smooth, the tip of a 209 is my favourite. I start at the middle, and sweep to my outer corner. I then line from the beginning of my lashes the center (not the inner corner, but further along where the lashes start). Then, from where my lashes start, I carefully trace along the edge of my eyelid, towards the tear duct. I go closely as possible to my lashes, and if I want a thicker line, I repeat the entire process, only pressing more of the brush against my lid - so more product is applied.

I always line with my eye open, so I can see the edge of my lid. If I line with my eye closed, the line is always too thick.

If the product is too thick, I stipple it along the lid, tight to the lashline, with a 266. It takes a lot longer, but if I take my time it looks great.


Well-known member
I use a covered lip brush ( I think the 316 is similar). It is much easier for me to apply it that way rather than use an angled brush.


Well-known member
I use the 209.

I start lining my eyes a tad higher than the corner with a thin line and gradually make it thicker towards the end, and make a "wing" for a cat eye. Since the brush is so thin, I can't make very thick lines.


Well-known member
^When I go thicker, I usually draw an outline of where I want my line with my BE liner brush and fill it in with more Fluidline.