Applying for job at MAC...


New member
Hello everybody! I'm new to these forums, and I'm not too sure if this question has been asked before. So, I'm sorry if it has.

I really would LOVE to work for MAC cosmetics, since I'm obsessed with their products and simply just adore make up!! I've been using it for awhile now, probably 4-5 years.
I took cosmetology in high school, but I haven't taken any make up related courses since then, but I have been to many MAC consultations and events that they have organized.

My question is, can I still apply? Or will I be wasting my time, like someone with a professional background in make up would have a better chance of landing a job at MAC?

Thanks in advance.


you should definitely apply.
MAC is very sales oriented, so they want people with abilities that extend past makeup.
Best of luck!


Well-known member
I'm always encouraging people to apply for MAC. Yes, it is a way cool job, but it really is just a job....a retail job at that.
What's the worst that could happen? You don't get the job-then you'd be no worse off than you were before, so yeah, defintiely apply.
You will have an advantage because you already have an understanding of beauty...and if you have retail experience, that will be looked on very highly. If you get an interview, just talk up the product & how much you love it & your product knowledge & stuff & you'll be golden.

Good luck!


Well-known member
Definitely apply... Of course someone with professional background in makeup will be more likely to get a job, but you do have some cosmetology background and your love for the line will help bigtime!

I did NOT have any "class" background before I applied at MAC, I just knew my stuff, how to apply makeup on others well etc. Plus I loved the line and made sure they knew that... I was one of two people that they hired out of many many interviewed.


Well-known member
I think it's awsome that you guys encurage other to apply. I would also love to work for mac parttime. But over here in holland i don't think you stand a chance

Originally Posted by MACGoddess
Definitely apply... Of course someone with professional background in makeup will be more likely to get a job, but you do have some cosmetology background and your love for the line will help bigtime!

I did NOT have any "class" background before I applied at MAC, I just knew my stuff, how to apply makeup on others well etc. Plus I loved the line and made sure they knew that... I was one of two people that they hired out of many many interviewed.



New member
Aww thank you so much!!! I do have retail experience and strong interpersonal skills!! I think I might just head to the Bay downtown and apply. I really hope I get hired, since I have a passion for make up!!


Well-known member
Go for it! It's definitely worth a try. I'm in the middle of the application process myself and am waiting for a call back. You just need a little nudge...I didn't apply until the MAC artist I always go to pushed me to do it. Good luck!

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