Aquavert/Waternymph/Pompous Blue (+ mini winged-eyeliner "tutorial" I made in paint)


Well-known member
I thought I posted this already, but I guess I never hit the Submit button. Hmmm...oh well. Here it is again then. This is from yesterday.







Let's just ignore the camera-induced red eye and the zit on my cheek, ok?


That's my "I know you're jealous of my cool Mickey Mouse bowling pajamas" face.


Bare Canvas paint
Beige-ing s/s
Delphic f/l (as base and as liner on the bottom)
Aquavert e/s
Waternymph e/s
Pompous Blue e/s
Carbon e/s
Light Ray e/s
Coquette e/s on brows
Blacktrack f/l
Maybelline XXL mascara
Maybelline Great Lash mascara

Prep+Prime Skin
Studio Fix Fluid in NW20
Studio Fix in N4
Studio Finish (?) concealer in NW20
Physician's Formula yellow concealer
Dollymix blush
Shooting Star MSF
Porcelain Pink MSF

Spice l/l
Angel l/s
A little bit of Sweetie l/s
Crystal Rose l/g


Well-known member
Thanks!!! I wish I had my blending brush though, haha. It "mysteriously disappeared" along with my Woodwinked and Mulch eyeshadows...and possibly more, but I'm not sure.

So now I have to go buy another one. :\


Well-known member
Originally Posted by d_flawless
awesome look. how'd you get aquavert to pop that much?

Thanks! I don't know...I think the Beige-ing shadestick helped. I think shadesticks help SO much when it comes to making colors pop. I used the 213 (SE) brush, too. When I want to pack color on, I have found that a smaller brush like that works really well.


Well-known member
this is amazing! I'm so glad that I have all the colors you used haha. you're looks are always so well blended and clean. great job!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ashley_v85
Thanks!!! I wish I had my blending brush though, haha. It "mysteriously disappeared" along with my Woodwinked and Mulch eyeshadows...and possibly more, but I'm not sure.

So now I have to go buy another one. :\

Think you need to take an inventory giiirll...precious items can't go missing like that! I have a prob with things sometimes going missing and need to do an inventory count when I get round to it!
I love your brows!! Do you trim them or are they naturally that length? love them love them and love your application too!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by mia88
Think you need to take an inventory giiirll...precious items can't go missing like that! I have a prob with things sometimes going missing and need to do an inventory count when I get round to it!
I love your brows!! Do you trim them or are they naturally that length? love them love them and love your application too!

I have a spreadsheet inventory, haha. It's categorized by type of product, name, finish, color, collection, LE/perm, quantity, and price (retail). Haha. But my makeup is really unorganized right now. I used to have it all organized in a traincase, but it doesn't come close to fitting anymore. So yeah, it's just kind of all over.

My sister is a bit of a thief. I just got a key lock for my bedroom door though, so that should help.

ANYWAY...I definitely trim them, haha. I trim and pluck, quite a bit. I should try to find some old eyebrow pictures, haha.

Thank you!!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ebonyannette
beautiful! I love the wings! I tried some today and they were uneven any tips?

These were actually a bit uneven too, haha. Chances are, if they're just a little uneven, you'll be the only one to one else will. Mine will be a bit uneven all the time, and no one else notices at all.

What type of brush did you use? I think the easiest way to do it is with the 266 brush and fluidline.

Ok...let's pretend this actually looks good, haha. I suck at paint, the eyeliner is not really where it's supposed to go on my eyelid, but whatever. You get the basic idea, haha.

Step One:

Apply eyeliner from inner to outer corner...or from wherever you like to start it to the outer corner. You can stop a bit before the corner, if you wish...depending on how far out you want to extend the "wing", or how thick you want it to be.

Step Two:

Wing line up. I actually usually do it more like this...I tend to kinda combine steps. So this is my usual first step:


Like that...except I don't wing it out that far in, haha. I extend the line out toward the end of my eye a bit more and THEN wing it out...but like I said, I suck at paint. I can't draw SHIT with a mouse. So that's the best I could do.

If you're new at it, it's probably easier to do it in the two seperate steps though.

Step Three:
Starting at the outer corner of your eye, draw a line up to the first one you created, and connect the two to make kind of a triangle shape.

Step Four:
Fill in the the little triangle type thing you just made.

Then I usually go over the winged out part again, to make it more precise and to sharpen the end, if necessary.

Hopefully that helps a little bit, even though I started it too far in. But then again, if I didn't, it would have been cut off, because I used a cropped picture. Haha.


Well-known member
Yay!!! Thank you sooo much!!!
I use the 266 for the most part, the MA at MAC showed me how to do it with the 209 but I still cant get them to even look remotely similar! ha ha
Im going to try this thanks for taking the time to do it