Ardell Lashes


Well-known member
What Ardell Lashes are used on the right of this pic.

thanks Kristy


Well-known member
They really look like the singles lashes put on the top and bottom heavily with a careful hand, but they could be #208, Ultra lashes too. I'm leaning more toward the individual lashes though because they look more natural than the strip lashes. has pictures of ardell lashes incase you don't have the time to do individuals.


New member
I have to disagree. Ultra lashes has narrower lash. The girl on the right looks like she is wearing InvisiBands Wispies (Fashion Lashes #113) or InvisiBands Demi Wispies (Fashion Lashes #120 Demi). I get my #120's lashes from They are also sold at my local CVS.