Are paints drying?


Well-known member
I'm considering trying paints but I am older and have slightly crepey lids. I don't want to put anything on them that will further dry them out. Do people find paints drying?


Well-known member
I suppose if your lids have the tendancy to be drying themselves, then the paint could look a bit flaky. But to be honest with you, I couldn't say. I have only tried 2 paints on my own lids, and they weren't drying on me; however, my lids aren't anywhere near dry. Especially if I apply to a freshly moisturized face.


Well-known member
I've only tried one paint (Bare Canvas) and depending on the dryness of my lid, I sometimes can get a smooth or dry application. I never had had a problem with it in the summber but now that's it's winter, my skin is dryer so when I use paints sometimes, it does leave a flakey look. Luckly, once I put the shadow over, you can't even tell.