i know nothing about shiseido cosmetics, or their warehouse sales specifically, however i have found that warehouse and sample sales can be incredible for discounts, providing you know your stuff. know retail prices, when certain things were discontinued, and what the products should look like if purchased at the store. i live in los angeles, which is like, the mecca for sample and warehouse sales, and i've been to a lot, cosmetics and otherwise. i've bought some things because they were great prices, only to find they were old, defective, or just not necessary. don't fall into the "its cheap so i must get it" trap. that said, i have gotten some absolutely mindblowing deals, so they can be totally worth it. case in point, the stila warehouse sale a couple weeks ago was the best sale i have ever been to, with pan shadows being $4 and a $100+ traincase being $20. so i'd go check it out, if i were you, just be careful