Are these Brushes Fake or Real???


New member
I recently bought three MAC brushes off eBay... (Unfortunately before I found this site) I was wondering if someone could take a look at these for me.

I bought a 239, 219 & 224. They have the country stamped into the handle but only one is very noticeable. The other two are not very deep at all.

They all came in plastic sleeves with clear barcode stickers on the ends. Also on the sticker the text:

Made in Japan (or France)
Dist. By/Par:
Make-Up Art Cosmetics
Toronto, Ontario,
Canada M5V 1R7
London WIK 3BQ.

I'm just not certain if they are real or counterfeit, but I have a feeling they are fake...

Any help is greatly appreciated!






Well-known member
My 224 MAC brush has FRANCE on it and I bought it at the counter

but these brushes are fake IMO. Look at the 224, that MAC font on the handle is too close to the steel. With one being fake, I don't want to risk it with the others


Well-known member
Originally Posted by jaclynashley
I'm pretty sure they're fake .
I've never seen a MAC brush that has "Japan" or "France" written on it .

all mac brushes have that.

Originally Posted by Shaquille
but these brushes are fake IMO. Look at the 224, that MAC font on the handle is too close to the steel. With one being fake, I don't want to risk it with the others

i agree. also, on all those brushes, if you look at the gap on the M, its located where the tip would be. the gap on real brushes doesn't occur at the center. does that make sense?


New member
Originally Posted by erine1881
if you look at the gap on the M, its located where the tip would be. the gap on real brushes doesn't occur at the center. does that make sense?

Yeah, I see exactly what you mean.

Thanks ladies for your help!


Well-known member
these are counterfeit. the silver text has gaps the wrong size on the M and the A, the font for the numbering is slightly off and the 219 ferrule is the wrong shape.