Are we really as over it as we think we are??


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When something happens to us in a relationship, do we really get over it, even with the passage of time? Do we hold onto some things more than others? Or hold onto certain people more than others? I have to ask because of something that happened to me about 2 years ago. While I think I've gotten over it, I see the person I was involved with at the time and wonder if I really am over it, especially when I think that if their current girlfriend broke their heart, I wouldn't feel bad for them at all. I would love to know what other people think about this.

About 2 years ago, I started seeing the brother in law of my neighbor and friend. Yeah, probably a bad idea. Rule #137. Never date the brother in law or any relative of your neighbor. Anyway, things were going great. He was cute, sweet, uncomplicated and we got along great. We watched movies together, hung out all the time and he'd either spend the night with me or I'd spend night with him and almost every single weekend we were together.
We weren't seeing anyone else so I considered him my b/f.

About a month after we started seeing each other, we had this really great weekend together, the best we had had so far and that Sunday, he started acting weird. He grew distant and alot of the things I had grown used to stopped. He stopped calling as much. He stopped coming over as much and he grew busy working all the time. I did that stupid girl thing we do where we convince ourselves things will get better and the other person is just stressed or having a bad week or whatever and I kept hoping it was just a rough patch. I was going nuts thinking about it and what I had done or what I hadn't done and my friend kept telling me she didn't know what was going on with him, but she knew he wouldn't be with me if he didn't care. I had several talks with him and told him that if he didn't want me, he needed to tell me so that I could move on but he insisted things were fine and I worried too much. SIX MONTHS of his distance and I was going out of my mind. We were still having sex but it wasn't the same and his performance was plummeting. Again I convinced myself things would get better and that I just needed to be patient. I started feeling like a shrew b/c I complained constantly about his behavior and asked him again a few more times if he really wanted to be with me b/c if he didn't, he should tell me. Still he gave me excuses and evasive answers but never broke it off with me. Finally one day I was waiting for him to come over and he never showed so I lied to myself and thought he just worked late and was tired but then found out the next day that he had been over at his brother's house after work and he didn't even bother to come by and say hi and I WAS RIGHT NEXT DOOR! He gave me the excuse that he was just tired and "didn't think about it". WTF??? I was 28 at the time.

Finally I decided to have the talk of all talks and the day he came over, we were creeping past the 7 months mark. I spilled my guts. I loved him. I was tired of feeling like his buddy. Tired of feeling like I wasn't important. I needed to know what he wanted b/c if he didn't want me, he HAD to tell me. He told me he "wasn't sure" how he felt about me and needed time to think. He said he'd call me in a week. I was devastated. I cried and cried and I knew pretty much that was the end and after all that, he never had the balls to call me. My friend was dumbfounded and had no idea what to tell me. She said her whole family was telling him he was being a coward by not calling me and at least being honest and he kept telling them he was "still thinking" but I knew that was a lie and he didn't have the guts to face me. I didn't see a glimpse of him for the longest time and I knew he was avoiding visiting his brother and sister in law to avoid seeing me. This all happened in January that year. By March, I was finally healing a little and had realized that he never cared about me and that I was never going to get the answers I wanted. I had read about the "He's Just Not That Into You" b/c it had come out around the same time and part of something I read stuck with me, "sometimes you have to get closure by yourself". That couldn't be more true.

Well, a few days after that, she told me he had a girlfriend but that they hadn't been together that long. I tried to be ok with it and even joked that I hoped he treated her better than he treated me. Later that day I was on Myspace and went to my friend's page and saw she had a new friend. The new girlfriend. Naturally I was curious so I went to her page. She was 10 years younger than me and had a pic of herself and my ex together and had written "3 month anniversary" at the bottom. I felt my heart plummet. We had broken up in January and 3 months meant they had started seeing each other in December when we were still together!!!! I immediately told my friend who said that she honestly had no idea and she would've told me if she had known and she was really mad at him even if he was her brother in law. I was devastated that he had cheated on me and didn't even have the stones to break up with me first!!

When my friend questioned him about it, he said, "Well I stopped talking to Erin b/c I was talking to Jessica," and I was floored! WTF??? Thanks for telling me!!

2 years and one boyfriend later (I am now single again, having broken up with the last boyfriend about a year ago, another long story) I am 30 and still think sometimes about what happened and still feel hurt and disgusted by it and I thought I was over it. I've since seen my ex which is sort of unavoidable since his sister in law IS my friend and still lives next door and I've even met HER. She's nice enough and we've spoken a few times but I know she doesn't like me and I know that she knew about me when she started dating him. There's no way she couldn't have not known. I can't help but think that one day, what goes around comes around and the thought doesn't make me feel bad. But then that almost makes me wonder if I'm really as over it as I think I am? Or is it just not being over treated like crap?? The boyfriend I broke up with a year ago and the situation with him hardly ever crosses my mind even though in his way he was just as much of a jerk, but it was ME who broke up with HIM. I guess that could be part of why we hang on to some things more than others. What does everyone else think??


Well-known member
I think it's natural for some things to always get to us, no matter how much we tell ourselves that they don't. Especially in a situation like yours, where you've been so hurt and betrayed by someone you really cared about. The saying time heals all wounds is a bunch of bull in my opinion. Time helps make things easier to deal with and can heal some wounds, but some things never get fully resolved.

While my situation is not exactly the same, my first boyfriend died of cystic fibrosis. It's been 7 years now, and I'm still not completely over it.

However, I think in the end, while you may still hold onto some things I don't necessarily see them as barriers but factors and lessons that play into your growth as a person.


Well-known member
Betrayal is bad on so many levels. Probably because t includes violation AND a certain level of humiliation. The feeling of someone going behind your back lingers.

You have to remember that it's a blessing the relationship with that guy ended, period. Because he was a shithead. He's probably drunk dialing some other girl right now while his new girlfriend sits home and waits for him. Those types never really commit and stop looking.

obscuria, I'm sorry, that's terrible, of course for different reasons. But still. <3


Well-known member
I think it still lingers and your not completely over it because you put your trust in someone and they pretty much betrayed you and disrespected you. It's always ard to get over something like that. My ex treated me like i was a piece of shit, always calling me a bitch and telling me to shut the fuck up but I just didn't want to give up and let go because I kept holding on and hoping that he would change one day. i kept giving myself false hope when i knew I needed to just walk away and forget about it. Time heals everything, sometimes it just may take longer than others.


Well-known member
How you feel is totally natural, it is hurtful to be betrayed like that. But I like to think that things happen for a reason and it sounds like you learned a lot of lessons from this, which is good! Be happy that you are not dating that jerk anymore because his type never change.


Well-known member
i completely agree with you... i don't think we ever get over things like that. what he did was a shitty thing and he most likely knows it. but unfortunately i think the only way you could perhaps get over it entirely is if you had no ties to him what-so-ever. which of course can't happen because of you being friends with his sister in law. it's a sucky situation but you're not alone in still harbouring feelings (not nessisarily good ones!) towards and ex like that.


Well-known member
I think the worst thing about being betrayed by someone you care about is that it makes you question yourself so much. It's totally normal to sometimes get emotional about the past. I hope all it really does take is time. I think that sometimes different betrayals take different amounts of time to really heal and maybe we just haven't "served" enough time. I always hope to come out on the side of indifference, but I know that when your heart is tied to it it's always a little vulnerable of feeling the way it once did before.

Also, I really have to say... this guy sounds like he could have made a terrible bf...I'm 100% certain you're better off.


Well-known member
I was in a simular situation with someone. And I did the same thing as you - making excuses for his behavior thinking he cared for me but knowing in my heart that wasn't the case. I asked him how he felt and got the same fuzzy response. There was never a break up but a fading of the relationship. And I too found out he was seeing someone while he was seeing me too. I felt SO stupid!!! I knew the truth but didn't listen to myself because I wanted him. When I heard about the new girlfriend it felt like someone had stabbed me in the heart. Life went on and I stopped thinking about him but when a thought of him would pop up I would feel twisted on the inside with this left over pain. Because I was tired of having that feeling I really analyzed what the truth of the situation was. And I saw that I was really upset with myself for allowing myself to be used and mistreated - for being so stupid for so long about the whole thing. I decided to forgive myself and chalked it up to lesson learned. It was a very powerful lesson - 1) If a man wants you his behavior corresponds - no need to make excuses. 2) I need to respect myself and put myself first.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by lolli
I was in a simular situation with someone. And I did the same thing as you - making excuses for his behavior thinking he cared for me but knowing in my heart that wasn't the case. I asked him how he felt and got the same fuzzy response. There was never a break up but a fading of the relationship. And I too found out he was seeing someone while he was seeing me too. I felt SO stupid!!! I knew the truth but didn't listen to myself because I wanted him. When I heard about the new girlfriend it felt like someone had stabbed me in the heart. Life went on and I stopped thinking about him but when a thought of him would pop up I would feel twisted on the inside with this left over pain. Because I was tired of having that feeling I really analyzed what the truth of the situation was. And I saw that I was really upset with myself for allowing myself to be used and mistreated - for being so stupid for so long about the whole thing. I decided to forgive myself and chalked it up to lesson learned. It was a very powerful lesson - 1) If a man wants you his behavior corresponds - no need to make excuses. 2) I need to respect myself and put myself first.

Lolli you are so right. Everyone here has made a good point. Now that you talk about your situation it makes me realize too that I have been mad at myself for putting myself in that situation. If I had just been strong enough sooner to step up and tell him to get lost instead of waiting for him to do something I might not feel as bad now, even though so much time has passed. It is hard to distance myself when I am friends with his sister in law and I really don't see him that often but I do try to be nice when I see him. He of course usually avoids me when he sees me so I know it's b/c deep down he knows how badly he treated me. I still hope his conscience bothers him and I truly believe in "what goes around comes around". I think one of the things that got me to thinking about how we hold onto to things is that I've had my share of jerks since I was 16 but this guy is the only one who I seem to still feel upset about sometimes. It could be like other people said because it's harder to distance myself from him and all the other jerks I haven't seen in a long time. It really helps to know I'm not the only who holds onto things.


Well-known member
omg what a freakin jerkface! Honey what you are feeling is totally normal. When I was 20 my ex bf(we were still together) got my bff pregnant. She kept the baby. He told me he was drunk and made a mistake. I dumped him. I think that changed my view on men in general. I hated them. I used them for money. Then my DH came along and treated me like a queen. Now I dont ever think about his dumb ass. You will meet that one guy that will make u forget about your ex. I still have to see my BFF daughter all the time. That was 12 years ago. It will get better in time. You are in my prayers.


Well-known member
i think some things will always get to you, no matter how long it's been or how far you've come from them.

my ex cheated on me and i hated him for that. if someone were to do the same to him, i can't say i wouldn't be happy for that. if nobody ever does, oh well. i don't have any contact with him or anyone he's attached to anymore (which was hard for a while because i felt like a part of his family; so much so that i saw his sister through what will probably prove to be her darkest hour.) the simple fact remains that it will always be with me, that feeling of betrayal. it will never go away even though it's now been a few years since.

i rarely think about any of that now, unless the subject is brought up. my corworker and i talk sometimes about it because she has been betrayed too, and sometimes i ask her advice since i know an ordeal like that can greatly change a person. other than that, i have a fabulous new man that makes me forget about all the bad that's ever happened.

your knight in shining armour will come someday and make everything better.
until then though, i agree that alot of moving on has to be done alone, or at the mac counter in the company of good friends!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by kimmy
i think some things will always get to you, no matter how long it's been or how far you've come from them.

my ex cheated on me and i hated him for that. if someone were to do the same to him, i can't say i wouldn't be happy for that. if nobody ever does, oh well. i don't have any contact with him or anyone he's attached to anymore (which was hard for a while because i felt like a part of his family; so much so that i saw his sister through what will probably prove to be her darkest hour.) the simple fact remains that it will always be with me, that feeling of betrayal. it will never go away even though it's now been a few years since.

i rarely think about any of that now, unless the subject is brought up. my corworker and i talk sometimes about it because she has been betrayed too, and sometimes i ask her advice since i know an ordeal like that can greatly change a person. other than that, i have a fabulous new man that makes me forget about all the bad that's ever happened.

your knight in shining armour will come someday and make everything better.
until then though, i agree that alot of moving on has to be done alone, or at the mac counter in the company of good friends!

LOL! You couldn't be more right!! I don't think about him all that often but I am reminded of it when I see his car next door, which thankfully isn't that often. I think you're right about how no matter how long it's been, the betrayal always hurts. I guess alot of the reason it still bothers me is more for the fact that I let it go on so long even though in my heart he didn't care for me like he should. I've made an effort since then to be true to what my inner voice is telling me and if I don't feel like it's working, then it's NOT. That's pretty much what happened with my last b/f. I tried to make it work and it just wasn't happening so I finally had to let go and I'm so glad I did!


Well-known member
A guy screwed me over pretty badly...he's currently dating one our 'friends'.... And it's been 5 months and I'm still missing him and I want it to stop