ARGH! Internet


Well-known member
Okay, so I attend a private university. And they, being the conservative bunch they are, have put up webblocks on like EVERY PAGE I VISIT. And its under the stupidest reasons: one forum is blocked because its "societies and lifestyles" what the fuck is that? I am not allowed to know other lifestyles?

I understand the "adult content" ones, although really, we're in university and we should be able to use our own discretion...

and then another is under "web chat" the 20 year olds are really stupid enough to go onto webchats and hook up with pedophiles...yeah, give us credit we're better than that...

and its not even a chat website its a forum for teens...haha

I was sure they would block this too for some reason but they didnt (thank the lord)...

Now I gotta wait every week til i go to my boyfriends and then I can post on there...shit


Well-known member
i know it sucks for u as a student but honestly the unviersity has a right to do what they want. (i know how much that sucks, believe me) but the whole thing about blocking websites ... well university computers are supposed to be used for educational purposes. they're supposed to be used for school work and only things relating to school. if they feel that something is visited often yet it has nothing to do with school or school work they will block it from the system. the way they see it ur taking away computer time from another student who needs the computer to study.

i know it sucks cuz i have an hour break between classes and used to go into the library and check out different sites and now they limit u. it's like that in every school ... ur not alone girl!


Well-known member
Wow I could not imagine going to a university that censors like that. It's restricing choices, and silly since you're all adults.


Well-known member
Its not that its just at the school...I could see that as alright, cuz I mean you dont want ppl in the library taking over the computers for stupid acts when others could need it for legit school-related purposes. But its in the residences.

Its to stop bandwidth overload or something so all photo and website hosting sites are out (I can only see a few pics in the FOTDs and Tutorial sections on Specktra..which sucks), and then theres a whole bunch of other nonsense sites blocked.

Internet email was blocked but then you can just click "this is for work related purposes" and then it lets you through...

The whole thing just sucks...

If I didnt go over to my boyfriends almost every weekend I think I would die...