Ashanti's Good Good


Well-known member
So what do you gals think of Ashanti's different looks in the good good video?
I realized she's changed MUA's since "The Way that I love U" I wasn't feelin the choice of lip color in that one. But "Good Good" is right up my alley Retro Pin-Up bright Colors I love the styling in the video. I was wondering was anyone else inspired by her recent M/U choices?


Well-known member
haha... I have been waiting for someone to do a tut on her looks from this video. I absolutely love them!


Well-known member
I love her looks in this video as well! I too have been waiting on someone to do a tut or an inspired look based on the video! And I have been thinking about it as well! I am usually not a fan of her, but she looks really good in this video!


Well-known member
Ooooooooooh!!! Ive been listening to it on Winamp and didnt know it was her!! ha! Those looks are GORGEOUS. And I want them costumes too...


Active member
i noticed her make up in that video too!!! the different looks are to die for...the outfits too! hopefully a tut is up in the making soon!!!


Well-known member
I would like to recreate all of the looks but I can't find still pictures from the video my weave is extra cute right now to So I can do an FOTD but I'll leave the Tutorials up to the Big Galz they got that on lock i would love some still shots but I'll just pause the video like moms suggested I would love to see some FOTDs for these looks also! All I need is my Red cherry lashes be looking out for the FOTD's on Monday night!



Well-known member
Originally Posted by BlaqueBarbie
I would like to recreate all of the looks but I can't find still pictures from the video my weave is extra cute right now to So I can do an FOTD but I'll leave the Tutorials up to the Big Galz they got that on lock i would love some still shots but I'll just pause the video like moms suggested I would love to see some FOTDs for these looks also! All I need is my Red cherry lashes be looking out for the FOTD's on Monday night!


I'll be waiting!


Well-known member
Oh for sure I just have to make time to get to the beauty supply and get my cherry lashes I thought I could do it this weekend but I was extremely busy. I'll be able to go on Wednesday I just think it would look wack without them and she's rocking a lot of colors I just watched the backstage video the looks aren't as dope as I thought not much blending just good color placement I'll try to do all of them.


Well-known member
I haven't seen this video!!! I'm officially getting old. I must download it ASAP and confirm all this fab makeup talk! Can't wait.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MACaholic76
I haven't seen this video!!! I'm officially getting old. I must download it ASAP and confirm all this fab makeup talk! Can't wait.

Don't worry, if not for this thread, I'd have been clueless about the song/video, too. I don't listen to the radio, and I have a grand total of 1 Ashanti songs in my personal library! I had to youtube the video, and I have to admit, it's pretty cute/hot.


Well-known member
Sorry Guys I am exhausted school kid an i'm judging a walk off whoa I bought the lashes though and will definitely put up some FOTD's for all her looks! One day i will learn how to do tutorials


Well-known member
i just watched it..make up's amazing! outfits are gorgeous too. and i like the subject matter of the song...i wish she'd just make a more "wow" song for once!


Well-known member
So i finally got around to making a tutorial for the first time I did the bright look when she has the the red fit. I kinda messed up the tutorial but the look came out dope I posted a lin in the WOC tutorial thread and also in the tutorial thread!