At last.... A little guidance!!


Well-known member
WOOOOOOO I got a call today (after Lauder update thank goodness!) I HAVE MY SECOND INTERVIEW ON THURSDAY!!!:woots:

Ok now I need advice!! I am going to beef up my resume tonight (MAC counter manager doesn't have it yet) because at update today I got recognized as one of Lauders top performers for my region!!!

K NOW... Any guidance, advice, things I need to memorize?? The assistant cosmetics manager told me at my last interview to learn everything I possibly can about the history of MAC, their philosophies, etc.. I AM STUDYING UP!! Any advice would be greatly appreciated and I might just send you a card with red lipstick kisses all over it in the mail!!!! (NO just kidding that most likely won't happen

I appreciate all your encouragement!!!!


Well-known member
try the pro website - there's a brief "intro" on there, along w/ specktra (duh)..."mac's origins" on here would probably be the most useful.


Well-known member
is it a demo interview? honestly, I wouldn't even stress about it if I were you. You have great experience and love MAC. Just be yourself, let your enthusiasm for the brand shine and I would bet money that it's in the bag for you!

In the event that you're not already, I would just say get familiar with names of colors and products and know what Viva Glam is all about, since it's the heart and soul of MAC. Otherwise, there's really no need to know every minute detail and the life history of the 2 Franks, lol. They're not going to expect you to know all of that off the bat...that's what basic is for!

Most of all, they're going to want to know if you will be able to meet and/or exceed goals and if you're a good team player. I've seen girls get hired who knew literally ZERO about M.A.C. (or even makeup) before starting, they were hired because they had potential, retail experience and were team players.

Good luck, I'm rooting for you!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Love Always Ivy
i feel like this is an ongoing suspense drama. i really hope you get the job. *cheers*

Hehe thank you!!! My demo is tomorrow I am so excited!!!