Originally Posted by sunniechan
Get bubblegum instead of gaga 
I have gaga, I never hated a lipstick as much gaga before. But I'm not too upset since I can use it on top of darker lipsticks to tone it down. Well... that's what I keep telling myself to make myself feel better anyhow.
People say bubblegum and gaga are close. But gaga goes almost white kind of lilac on me. Whereas bubblegum goes beautiful pink with purpley undertones. Please say Snob and st whateverit's name are similar to gaga, they both look better than gaga on me.
I think with gaga lip pigmentation plays a big part on if it looks good or not. So try it the lips before you buy XD.
I picked up my gaga on Saturday (CP), I brought two of them, and totally glad I did.
I have pigmented lips and am fair skinned with dark features. Gaga is one of the best lipsticks I ever tried.
I haven't tried bbgum but I think Gaga is wearable by anyone, just gotta pair it with the right gloss.
I wore it yesterday with Lusterwhite, and Soar lipliner.. and Talent Pool/Blacktied on my eyes. My bf loved it.