Awesome glamourous.


Well-known member
wow. she is really pretty! As i keep scrolling down i keep saying wow! it's fasinating! The older you get the more you take care of the way you look. I love how her style changes from picture to picture. So glamerous!
thanks for posting!


Well-known member
Stunning! That woman has such a presence about her. She looks like a mixture of Elizabeth Taylor and Regina Spektor in most of those photos. I wonder who she is?


Well-known member
I love how her style shows the transition of the decades. I REALLY love her 40s - 60s looks
I wonder as well. I wonder if the box and pictures being for sale means that she died. :/


Well-known member
The case was found at a flea market so I think she probably did pass on. I love the 50's.


Well-known member
Wow, it's amazing how hair suddenly became bigger in the 60's. The transition into the 70's is also amazing. She looks completely different.

Girl about town

Well-known member
thats amazing really makes you think doesn't it, unfortunately i think the woman in the last photo looks ill almost the way people who abuse alcohol look!


Well-known member
Styles can make you look older, younger, and your stated age. My mother actually looks better now in her 70s than she did in her 30s. Why? She dyed her her jet black and had wig pieces on top of it. I thought she look so old as kid that I was actually embarrassed to say she was my mother. Also, she wore heavy black eyeliner on her top eyelids.

My mother's natural hair color was a gorgeous auburn shade and she had a peaches and cream complexion. The jet black teased up hair was the worse possible hair color she could have worn. She also loved huge geometric pattern in dramatic colors that were horrible for her. Grey was the stable in her closet. YIKES!

Now, some will say that was the style. No, my father wanted to be married to a woman with Black hair. Stupid. She looked horrible!

When she divorced him, she let her hair grown out. I thought she was dying her hair and it was her natural hair color. She look like she had a face lift.

People swear she at least 15 years younger than her age now. She is beautiful. It's a shame that she could have shown how beautiful she was for 25 years of her married life. ((rolling my eyes up))

In regard to the picture, this woman may have died and they threw out her belongings. I go into antique shops and there are literally baskets full of old pictures of the unknown, because no one took the time to put the full name on the back of a picture or the family just didn't care.

Once, I saw a picture of this little girl who was so beautiful. All that was on the back of the picture was Isabella. I thought it was a beautiful name and bought a doll from the place and named it after her.


Chic 2k6

Well-known member
May 1959 and her 70s pictures are stunning! I'm studying film photography right now and this is great interest. She even took a photo of herself in the mirror decades before MySpace turned up lol