Aww, Holly Madison loves MAC*


Well-known member
Aww poor holly
I really loved the girls next door. I have the DVD's and watch them when I need a good pick me up. The new season on E! looks great too! I can't wait for Sunday for the Halloween episode
I dunno, it was just something about the show and the girls that were so much fun to watch. I definatly do think that the girls are in it for money/fame rather than having true, genuine feelings for an 82 year old man. But, I do think Hef & Holly did love each other. Who knows? You spend so much time with someone, you are bound to love them. I don't think I'll watch the girls next door with the new girls. It just wont be the same. Here are the 19 yr old twins with hef:

HEF TALKS ABOUT HOLLY, GND - What Would Tyler Durden Do


Well-known member
That's too bad about Holly, but Bridget is my fave. Kendra is dumber than a box of rocks...and that laugh...grrr, like nails on a chalkboard!!


Well-known member
I haven't seen the show, but I do like Bridget's workout vids that I get On Demand.. they have this "Booty Bootcamp" one that's fun and really works your bum, haha


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Hilly
Bridget was always my fave .Is she still with Hef?

I think she is doing some show in Europe. I haven't heard anything about her and Hef "breaking" up.


Well-known member
Bridget is doing a show called Bridget's Beaches for the Travel channel. I am so lame that I know all of this!


Well-known member
I find the whole concept of that lifestyle extremely sad and pathetic. The only reason he has those girls is because of the money. It's actually kind of disgusting, an 80-something year old man with 2 19 year olds? I mean that's bordering on pedophelia. Hugh Hefner is going to die old and alone. Those girls are basically just chattel.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Dreamergirl3
I feel bad for Hef too. Apparently he kind of new it was coming since he knew she wanted to be married and have children. He said in an interview that he's down in the dumps, and he had planned to spend the rest of his life with Holly. Aw, I'm sad they broke up!

I hear that heart breaks cause heart attacks. But in Hefs case, viagra is supposed to prevent heart attacks.

Hef will get over it. He's a man who knows what he is doing in life-- in order to have women this is my husbands moto "money walks and bullshit talks" (in Hefs situation, money will bring the women but 'talking' about visiting "the mansion" is bs).


Active member
Originally Posted by chocolategoddes
How do yoiu go from Hugh Hefner to Criss Angel. They have no similarities except loving Vegas and making people stomachs' cringe for various reasons.

, so true, so true!!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by clslvr6spd
Yea, they did break up. I guess she was seen with Chris Angel, bleh!

That guy really is a magician, because anyone who is that creepy and ugly yet still manages to canoodle with quite a few female celebs must have special powers.

On the subject of GND, Kendra's laugh makes me want to shoot myself. I want to buy her a muzzle and a dictionary.