B2M form on new web site


Well-known member
Well...the bad news is that the B2M form on the new web site doesn't seem to work very well. They ask you to specify the items you're returning and your shade choices, and then it prints out -- unfortunately with none of the above. Anyway, once I fiddled around enough with the format of my phone number to get to the page where you print the form, on my printout there were headings that said "Free Product" ("Lipstick" was filled in under that) and "Prefered Shade" (nothing filled in despite the fact I had specified shades). So oh well on how the form gets filled in, but I was encouraged to see that heading for "Free Product" with "Lipstick" filled in underneath. Could this mean that down the road we may be able to get e/s or l/g instead of l/s via mail, just like at freestanding stores? I hope so!


Well-known member
oh my that would be so great if you could get e/s and l/g because i dont really like l/s but its better than nothing eh