B2M Refusing Products Without Sponges?


Well-known member
I just read this in another topic (that had been closed) and I wanted to ask if anyone had actually been refused a Studio Fix, Tech, Select Powder, etc. that was missing the sponge it came with for the Back 2 MAC program. If they've been refused, I find that crazy, because the sponges aren't even part of the program to my knowledge. And, whenever I B2M something, I thoroughly clean it, and throw away the sponges, just because I'm obessesive like that I guess.

Just wondering if this has actually ever happened to anyone?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by amoona
Just like if you want to return a Studio Fix Powder - without the sponge in there you'll probably get denied at my counter. That's not how we sold it to you and even though we do not reuse the products we still wont take something back after it's clearly been used and abused.

Amoona was talking about the standards for returning a product (it must be complete, all inserts and associated items are to be returned with it), not requirements for B2M. She correctly stated that because there isn't a definite laid-in-stone procedure for B2M that has been set by HO, some areas apply the same policy of completeness to B2M in order to have some sort of guideline to work by.

Again, call your local counter and verify it with them.