"back to school" CCO haul


Well-known member
My mom told me not to go to crazy when we went to the Legends CCO this weekend, but I accidentally did >.< She spoils me though, and let me spend about $200 and just said "I guess this is okay, since you are about to start school and you need it."
yeah, NEED it

oh btw, I took the pics with my phone because I was too lazy to get out my camera.


Mosscape, Delft, and Fresco Rose p/p
Steel Blue, Revved-up, and Softwash Grey pigments
New Vegas MSF
Honour blush
Classic Cream l/l


So Chaud, Sashimi Mimi, and Russian Red l/s


Pink glitter liner from Hot Topic. Reminds me of nyx candy glitter liners.
I also got a bulk pack of Mac Wipes.
yayyy time to play x]


Well-known member
Great color selections! (I especially love the Delft. I got it at a CCO too and use it as a base with Parrot ES on top!)


Well-known member
Shut up! You got New Vegas MSF & Russian Red l/s at your CCO?!

That's crazy how they have em there! Lucky you!


Well-known member
I know! I about went crazy when I saw them both!

Originally Posted by hhunt2
Shut up! You got New Vegas MSF & Russian Red l/s at your CCO?!

That's crazy how they have em there! Lucky you!



Well-known member
Great haul! I'm dying to get down to this CCO, but I think it'll be a few more weeks - hopefully they'll still have or will get more great stuff.


Well-known member
Great stuff! Good luck back to school!

I have a question... I have never been to CCO, but Do their prices differ from buying it from the counter? Are they cheaper at CCO?


Well-known member
Yes, they are cheaper (if you pay full price on the counter.. I mean if you don't have PRO card...) e/s are around $10, pigments... hmmm i wanna say $14? I'm not sure...
I got dressset (I think) 4 small shadesticks for $20...