BACK2MAC UK - depanning eyeshadow pots?


Well-known member
IVe heard alot about how some places in the US allow deppanned eyeshadow pots to be B2M'd but in some places its completely not allowed!

So i was wondering, have any of you B2M'd depanned pots? or do any of you know if it's allowed over here?

Im in the North east so it would be useful if people who know if Newcastle/fenwick and metro centre mac counters will allow depotted pots for B2m

thanks in advance


Well-known member
I'm in the midlands, i have depotted 12 es, a few pans went to the bin because i wasn't sure if they were needed but the MA didn't have a problem with that so i'm guessing it's ok..But it's better if you take the pans back as well.



Well-known member
I live in the south but have had no problems with it down here, also I took some back to Milton Keynes once and they were totally fine with it. I was nervous about doing it just in case but they didn't seem to care! Let us know if you manage to do yours ok


Well-known member
im in the south east and i was really nervous about taking empty e/s pots back without the pans in for b2m and they were absolutely fine about it!


Well-known member
I go to the nottingham store & the meadowhall debenhams counter & both have been fine with me taking back depotted e/s without the pans in them. I don't see what the problem is, I've bought the e/s & you can tell the difference between depots & pro pans. Beside, can you even B2M pro pans?


Well-known member
I've just come back from Selfridges in Manchester city centre. I B2M a few depotted shadows and they didn't even notice. I even had a really old palette that had had 6 full sized E/S in and I had removed the whole of the inside, it literally was an empty metal tin, and they allowed me to use that.

I was also allowed a Slimshine as well, normally they insist its a regular L/S

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