Bad Customers!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by SMMY
Okay, not to press it, but the tone in this post is sounding an awful lot like some of the same heinous, insulting posts about "MAs who don't know anything" type threads. I'm sure sometimes we customers do drive some of you up the wall with our lack of knowledge. This is precisely why we are coming to you in the first place. I don't come into a store/salon expecting the MA/stylist to just fix me up without me giving her any input, but I do expect some help and advice after giving my input. If you artists weren't so darn knowledgeable after all, I'd be down at the drugstore buying myself some blue eye shadow and orange lipstick for gosh sakes.

So while I understand the need to vent, can we please not lump all of us clueless customers as evil personified? Most of us come in asking a lot of questions, because we truly are unsure about a product or a look we wish to achieve and we really value your input and rely on your experience.

I know at least for one, I am NOT meaning general customers that want some guidance in their choices. There are genuinely people who don't know WHAT to get and need some help, they are perfect, they are why I do my job!!

Personally, I am speaking of those who deliberately don't tell you, "I hate brown lipsticks" but ask you for something neutral and are pointing to Touch lipstick. I am meaning the truly heinous customers that are either trying to trip you up (why I don't know) or simply be contrary...


Well-known member
i agree with SMMY. most of us are not trying to make things difficult for u..we just want frank opinion from someone is more well versed in that area ...sometimes what we think is nice on us...other people may look at us and think...ew this person has a bad dress sense... hence we need to seek opinions first before buying in order not to end up as a fashion disaster.

used to hate neutrals...but as one MA told experimental with colours ...took her advice..and now i love the extent that i've neglected my brighter e/s.


Active member
Following up on my intial post... we've all encountered rude, arrogant people in life/work/whatever.... but what about THE CRAZIES!!
at my MAC counter, we had a customer that was so obsessed with one of my coworkers... would honestly buy ANYTHING that this MA wore/recomended (only to return it all the next week)...and then one day this customer came to show us her new tattoo.. it was IDENTICAL to the tattoo that the MA had, same flower, same shading, same shoulder. Pretty hillarious/terrifying.
This same customer was later banned from our counter for being verbally abusive to MAC staff and then getting physical with security.
All in a MA's days work... or something.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by SMMY
Okay, not to press it, but the tone in this post is sounding an awful lot like some of the same heinous, insulting posts about "MAs who don't know anything" type threads. I'm sure sometimes we customers do drive some of you up the wall with our lack of knowledge. This is precisely why we are coming to you in the first place. I don't come into a store/salon expecting the MA/stylist to just fix me up without me giving her any input, but I do expect some help and advice after giving my input. If you artists weren't so darn knowledgeable after all, I'd be down at the drugstore buying myself some blue eye shadow and orange lipstick for gosh sakes.

So while I understand the need to vent, can we please not lump all of us clueless customers as evil personified? Most of us come in asking a lot of questions, because we truly are unsure about a product or a look we wish to achieve and we really value your input and rely on your experience.

I have to completely agree with SMMY!! My favorite MA suggested orange shadow to go with my blue eyes. I NEVER would have reached for orange unless she recommended it. My MA has broadened my horizons on so many levels, it isn't even funny. I have embraced almost every color out there, and that says a lot for me.

There are so many times I've gone to the counter wanting something but not exactly sure what I needed to pull a look or fifteen together.
The MAs at my counter have rarely steered me wrong. The only time they have, was due to an allergic reaction I had, not the product itself.

I know that many of you are venting, but not all of us are evil. We are just in need of guidance.
I respect my MAs and their knowledge. I've taken time to email MAC and Macy's praising them for their help. I don't think I would have amassed the collection I have if they hadn't taken time to help me choose the right color for me.


Well-known member
I can totally imagine the people the MA's see and how annoying it must be. I think it is Customer Service professions in general that encounter this.

I work for an airline, and for 7 years I was front line customer service at Heathrow, dealing with people who has missed their connecting flights. If I repeated a lot of the things said to me I would be banned from the forum for my language!

Obviously flying is stressful for a lot of people and that causes extreme reactions, but airline staff do take a lot abuse. Hopefully people in the lovely surrounding of MAC are generally a bit politer to the service providers :)


Well-known member
I agree with a lot of you. Me and my co-workers discuss this all the time. I don't have a problem with customers who honestly don't know what to buy and what they need to get. I will go the extra mile to try the colors on color on one side, another color on the other side until we find what they want. have those who want a miracle. Customer's who have acne all over their face and say that Studio fix makes them break out and they want you to try something that makes their skin flawless. Or just skin problems period and expect MAC makeup to give them flawless skin. Start with good skincare first! Like Macgoddess said when customer's come in and say "I want you to pick out some colors for me", so you ask "well what type of colors do you like?" and they say "I don't know what do you think?" and you show them all types of colors and combinations and they don't like's like, well you know what you don't like so at least let me know that so we can look at what you do like! When the counter is jam packed with customer's and they have all been acknowledged, but that one customer insist on skipping ahead of all the other customer's that have been patiently waiting and then leaves with a complaint that no one wanted to wait on them. Just like most makeup artists complain and it's my complaint also...customer's who come every weekend just about around the time to close wanting a "free" makeover, they don't buy anything, just so they can go to the club for the least leave a tip! Customer's who for some reason just want you to say the word "free makeover", and when you tell them "it's a 40.00 purchase", they say they will come back and never do. Why would you want someone to spend 30-45 minutes on you and then just get up and leave! Okay that's enough from me. I still looooove my job!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by onnachan
Here's a pet peeves of mine
1. At my counter there's a comitment to purchase of $40 for a makeup application. I HATE when customers come, have they're makeup done for a wedding, grad, etc. and then bring it all back for a refund the next day. We have to throw the product in the garbage! What a waste of make-up and what a waste of the MA's time that went into doing the customers makeup!

I've been thinking about how MAC could prevent this. Would a policy such as this work -

When someone purchases items to cover a $40 make-up application, and till receipt is endorsed by MAC with an official stamp to show this.
When items are returned they can not be refunded if they were purchased in connection with a make-over, they can only be exchanged.
Obviously this means anyone returning items would need their till receipt, but that seems fair to me.

It still wastes the items they are returning, but may help prevent people taking advantage of the returns policy, just to get a free make-up appliaction.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by debsjc
I've been thinking about how MAC could prevent this. Would a policy such as this work -

When someone purchases items to cover a $40 make-up application, and till receipt is endorsed by MAC with an official stamp to show this.
When items are returned they can not be refunded if they were purchased in connection with a make-over, they can only be exchanged.
Obviously this means anyone returning items would need their till receipt, but that seems fair to me.

It still wastes the items they are returning, but may help prevent people taking advantage of the returns policy, just to get a free make-up appliaction.

This is a great idea and fair to everyone. It prevents people from abusing the system and still makes sure that the customer gets a great deal, essentially a free makeover with the purchase of products.


Well-known member
Oooh you know my biggest pet peeve? I had the worst client a couple weeks ago. I was lining her eyes, and she was watching me in the mirror, and she was all 'I don't want it like that." Then she grabbed the pencil from me and did it herself. Then, when I was putting blush on her, she grabbed the brush and literally painted on heavy stripes of pink! Ok, why on earth would you have a makeover if you insist on doing it yourself??? Its one thing to say something like, "The color is a bit too heavy for my taste, do you mind toning it down a bit"? But to rudely grab the brush/pencil like that??? GRRR. On the other hand, I do have fabulous clients who are so much fun and so easy to work with. Its just a select few who are idiots haha :p


Well-known member
what a weird customer...if she wants to do the makeover herself, why bother doing makeover at all...strange person.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by onnachan
1. At my counter there's a comitment to purchase of $40 for a makeup application. I HATE when customers come, have they're makeup done for a wedding, grad, etc. and then bring it all back for a refund the next day. We have to throw the product in the garbage! What a waste of make-up and what a waste of the MA's time that went into doing the customers makeup!

I can't believe people actually do this. I have to give you credit for not smacking the crap out of them!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by debsjc
I've been thinking about how MAC could prevent this. Would a policy such as this work -

When someone purchases items to cover a $40 make-up application, and till receipt is endorsed by MAC with an official stamp to show this.
When items are returned they can not be refunded if they were purchased in connection with a make-over, they can only be exchanged.
Obviously this means anyone returning items would need their till receipt, but that seems fair to me.

It still wastes the items they are returning, but may help prevent people taking advantage of the returns policy, just to get a free make-up appliaction.

I totally agree with this & hope that one day MAC makes this their policy. I hate people who are only out to get something for free at other people's expense.


Well-known member
I ONLY ever exchange a product if Im allergic. If I buy something and dont like the way it looks I give it to mum or my sister.

And I only ever ask for colour suggestions if I want 5 or 6 things, and only have enough cash for one or two. I pick one colour and ask the MA which shade they feel would be the most versatile with what I have picked out.

But then again, I used to be a hairdresser and Im used to asshole customers, so I make it my duty never to be an asshole customer.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by SMMY
Okay, not to press it, but the tone in this post is sounding an awful lot like some of the same heinous, insulting posts about "MAs who don't know anything" type threads. I'm sure sometimes we customers do drive some of you up the wall with our lack of knowledge. This is precisely why we are coming to you in the first place. I don't come into a store/salon expecting the MA/stylist to just fix me up without me giving her any input, but I do expect some help and advice after giving my input. If you artists weren't so darn knowledgeable after all, I'd be down at the drugstore buying myself some blue eye shadow and orange lipstick for gosh sakes.

So while I understand the need to vent, can we please not lump all of us clueless customers as evil personified? Most of us come in asking a lot of questions, because we truly are unsure about a product or a look we wish to achieve and we really value your input and rely on your experience.

I hear what you're saying but my post was referring to the ppl that just plop down in the chair and "don't know" is their response to any question/attempt to figure out what they may be looking. My point was...there is no input from the kind of ppl I'm talking about....they expect you to read their mind.


Well-known member
I am a server in a restaurant so I know all too well how many rude, know it all, bad attitude, wackos there are out there. Anyway, I went to my local MAC counter the day after Christmas last year & they were understandilby slammed! There were probably 3-4 MA working & a ton of customers, so they were all trying to multitask & help a few people at a time to make sure everyone got served. One of the MA came over to help me & right as I was about to tell her what I wanted this nasty lady comes over & practically gets in my face saying "Excuse me! But SHE was helping ME first!" then she turns to the MA & says "If you walk away from me one more time I'm leaving!" I turned to the MA & said "Go ahead, help this lady before her big head pops off." The nasty witch had nothing to say to that & the MA had to stiffle a laugh. She's one of my favoite MA there & I was glad I could give her a laugh when she was having such a hard day. The lady should have known better, if she needed such personal undivided attention then she should know that the day after Christmas was NOT going to be the time to get it.


Well-known member
I have never been a MA, but I worked in the restaraunt industry for about 6 years. Let me tell you, I have seen some very INTERESTING people. I don't even want to get into the rude, impolite things people will say either to get a free meal, or just to be rude.

I think there are way more nice people out there than impolite ones. However, it seems that you could have dozens of polite, cordial customers, but it only takes one rude customer to completely ruin your whole day.


Well-known member
Hey, I completely understand people who truely need guidance, that's why I said in my initial post that I did not mean those who just truely did not know what to do. That's why we are there and that's what I love about my job, is helping people to feel/look better. Also at my salon, I have no sales goals at all so I have no reason to push people to buy something, if they do fine, if they don't whatever. That's one of my selling points about having me give you a lesson or whatever versus some of local counters because I have nothing at stake so I'll be totally honest. My whole purpose for being there is to teach and show people new colors, etc. And that being said, 99% of customers are wonderful and fun, but there are those few who drive me up a wall.

But back to the fun stories.....I had a bride who I did absolutely gorgeous, she wanted a pinky lilacy look for a spring wedding. And her bridesmaid kept getting in her face and saying it was ugly, blah blah blah. And the bride would be like, "Well, I like it." and the bridesmaid was like "No, change it. I live in L.A. and that is not how people do their makeup." She kept saying how in L.A. everything is different and she's an actress and makeup isn't done there how it's done here, and being really hotty totty. Finally I get done with the bride and it's the b-maids turn and she looks at me and goes, "I want false lashes and a heavy smokey eye, do you know what a smokey eye is? (I wanted to bitchslap her just for that comment!) And I want red lips and you have 5 minutes to do it. In L.A. they can do it in 5 minutes." And I go, "How long have you lived in L.A.?" and she's like, "2 months." And where did you live before that? "Ohio."


Well-known member
omg...she's a The bride isn't even demanding at all..what right has she to be so demanding man...oh gosh...talking about it. Another girl from another beauty forum which i frequent posted this following story up:

Today i went shopping with my SO at Bugis junction.
I wanted to sharpen my Shu eye brow pencil but there was no MA around so we just walk around first waiting for someone to return.

I was browsing their new filigree collections and saw another couple waiting for the MA too, let's name them bf and gf.

As I wanted to check out some revlon stuff, i wandered off.. but came back around 5-10 mins later.

When i was back, the couple asked me if i waited very long and i said no, and maybe the MA went to the toilet. He just gave me a shrug and as i do not wish to interfere i walked away.

Around 5 mins later i saw a SHU MA and was real happy but when i walked over guess what i saw.. the guy was like practically raising his voice saying that he want to lodge an official complaint to estee lauder as he waited more than half an hour and no one served his gf. He was talking to the manager or supervisor of seiyu and pointed to me saying that i can vouched that he waited very long.

I was shocked as hey come on la we are all humans and humans need to go to toilet also and if its a big business of course it takes time. I told the supervisor that we did not waited very long and i understand that if the MA needs to go toilet its human nature. definitely not half an hour.

In my heart i was thinking what was the guy trying to prove? that he is good at complaining or he does not like his dear gf to wait for a while.

He can scream all he want cause to me that's not very gentleman of him but what the heck i just approach the MA and wait for my pencil to be sharpened.

Here comes the best part. The gf took out her handphone and wanted to take a pic of the MA. She told the MA that she don't have to show her that kind of face. I mean if i am the MA haha my face confirm black cause i go toilet only i come back and someone wants to complain me. I was like omg wtf is wrong with this people. Did she even consider her actions. I really pity the MA. Even if she went for a smoke break, her dinner break or her toilet break she really do not deserve this. From what i heard today is her first day at the counter somemore.

It was bad the bf was like this but what the gf did I got nothing to say. She took down the MA's name already but why did she need to take a pic of her.

Most important is by doing this, what does she gain? does she really want the MA to get sacked cause of this issue? I really got nothing to say but just feel sad that yes this is a side of us ugly singaporeans.

yeah...this was what i read...there are really very unreasonable people around