Bad haircut


Well-known member
So, i got a bad haircut. The guy cut my bangs all wrong. Then another one after that. My bangs/the front of my hair is all messed up. and too short. Any ideas to make it look nice/conceal it? I basically just flip my bangs back with a bobby pin, but there are still lookse chunks everywhere even on the opposite side. Plus, it doesn't look very good 'cause i have a lumpy forehead. Ideas? D:


Well-known member
GIRL!! The same thing happened to me!! My boss even pointed it out today in fromt of everyone. My bangs look like shitballz...and bangs are my thing! Gahhh.
Im just pinning them back, using headbands, rockin a sexy ponytail. blah
In a week it shall have grown a tad. hopefully better


Well-known member
ahhh yeah! It is the worst thing ever.
Plus, the dude cut my baby hairs.
those take forever to grow!