Originally Posted by kokometro
This is an ongoing trend and EVERY consumer should take it upon themselves to stay up on this stuff.
There is a documentary called Maxed out that is incredible and scary. It's on DVD and also on Direct TV currently so set your DVR.
If you use a bank or have a credit card then you must watch this movie.
I have only read the synopsis and not watched the movie. I would say that this is in some ways another broad brush view of bank's attitudes. Just based on the attitudes assigned to banks in the synopsis, I would disagree with the statements made in general about banks. For example, we do NOT want people to be late. We monitor our late accounts very closely, and it is NOT a good thing for banks to have a lot of late accounts AT ALL. First, we have built in 14-day grace periods before a late fee kicks in. Second, late accounts (especially in today's economy) are something of concern not revenue-driven elation.
Perhaps, the views indicated to be in the movie (based on the synopsis) are true of the megabanks, but I can tell you that not all banks feel this way or conduct themselves in this manner.
As mentioned by a previous poster, none of this is an issue when we choose to be fiscally responsible. I work for a bank, and I've slipped and ended up paying fees, so I am in no way trying to judge. However, if you are *routinely* paying fees, it is time to address your own habits versus being angry at the bank for charging fees.