Bare Study or Soft Ochre or????


Well-known member
Now that I've gotten the UDPP and love it, I need help on a Paint Pot. I want to try one of those instead of the Shadestick and I don't have a MAC immediately within distance. I'm not too sure about ordering from the site since I've never looked at the PP's up close and I know the swatches on the website can be...iffy. I just need a neutral to go under most e/s. Any ideas? What do you ladies use?


Well-known member
Painterly is the perfect matte neutral Paint Pot. Bare Study is shimmery and doesn't stay on as long, IMO. I agree with the above poster about Soft Ochre if you're Asian though.


Well-known member
agree with all of the above, I'm NW20 (and non asian), I prefer to use bare study or rubenesque (both shimmery).

I have soft ochre and painterly (mattes) and they rarely get used, I dont hate them, just the others suite me better.