Beauty Resolutions in 07'


Well-known member
I was just going over my stsh and I noticed a few things. I have a penchant for finding the same damn lipgloss and eyeshadow color. If I buy one more neutral lipcolor or bronze eyeshadow I'll go nuts. Anyway here are some resolutions I have for the new year:

1. wear more red lipstick- its so glamorous
2. wear brighter colors instead of the usual browns and golds.
3. don't break my neck get the new stuff (studio mist blush, untamed, and sundressing didnt catch on and its already at the cco's)
4. I WILL HAVE THE POWER TO RESIST BUYING ALL OF HOLIDAY 07'. I'm still one the fence about this becauset the value is so great. I bought intense, smoked, and warm eyes and warm is the only one that comes out on a daily basis. And ebay prices are nuts so I might have to think about this a little.
Alright thats all my resolutions. Anybody else have any?


Well-known member
Great thread idea!

Notes to self:

You say you are trying to build your kit. Then stop buying things that look good on you, and buy some things that will look good on other people. Otherwise, you are not supplementing your kit, you are binge-shopping.

Try to wear brighter lip colors. You look the same every day. *yawn*

Remember to put on the damn falsies. You bought them to wear, not to look at each morning.


Beauty Mark

Well-known member
1) Build up a respectable lip collection when I have money again
2) Be more creative with eye combinations
3) Quit some beauty communities that make me unhappy (not this one)
4) Establish a better organization system than a makeup bag
5) Buy more brushes
6) Invest in a decent powder
7) Try to get professional facials and other skin care treatments at least quarterly.


Well-known member
Diversify. MAC isn't the only brand out there. I'd like to check out some of the other lines when I go to Holt Renfrew at the end of the month.

Stick to a budget. I spent nearly $300 on Nocturnelle, and I hardly use it! Silly girl.
Maybe 2 or fewer things per collection, on average. I'm skipping Creme and Chrome, and probably Amazon as well, to save up for the Barbie collection. I already want 3 of the eyeshadows.

Tone it down. I really dig the eyebling. You know, 6 shimmering layers and liner, etc. I worry I look a fool.


Well-known member
1) Try more color.

2) Try to wear makeup everday and not just when I feel like it.

3) Find a cute neutral look that actually shows up.

4) Learn how to go above the crease with color without looking like a clown.


Well-known member
1. I am on a shopping ban for at least three months... however this excludes the following: refills (or different replacements) of products i've run out of, 1 MSF from Danse, 2 products each from Barbie and Icon.

2. I will try to do a different look every day instead of the same old same old.

3. I will get my hair cut regularly.


Well-known member
- Master makeup application techniques
- Build a decent brush collection
- Fill a 15 pan eye palette
- Spend less on cosmetics and beauty products... will see how long this one lasts...


Well-known member
Mine would be:

- Practice with the false eyelashes more.
- Work on my blending.
- Wear some lip colors other than pink or neutral.

Oh, and

- Try not to covet things just because they're LE.
- But definitely get that MAC Barbie doll. :p


Well-known member
- find color combos that actually look fine on me and stop using things just because I like the way the look in the packaging
- Get a decent manicure at least once a month
- use less frost finishes
- do something with my eyebrows. Anything that makes them look like they have arches.
- Try something new. BUT NO MORE LE.*

* Well, I guess it's okay to buy it if I really like it. But no more "Uuum, I dont know if this looks nice but I'll get it anyway since its LE"


Well-known member
Wow. This is a great thread! You guys have some really good resolutions. I guess mine would be:

1. Continue to stay healthy (ie eat well and exercise). I rarely have a drink and I don't smoke. Keep drinking lots of water and very, very little soda (just on occasion). All of that will help me be healthy feeling and looking. Beauty on the inside as well as out.

2. Buy less MAC/cosmetics in general. I just have too much. Instead of buying 80% of a collection, buy 1-3 pieces that I really love.

3. Get laser hair removal. I will never have to shave again. More time in the morning!

4. Keep regular on facial, brow and hair appts. Am pretty good at this now with the exception of the facials.

5. Get my lasik. There are days when I can't be bothered to put in contacts and I don't always have my glasses on, so I end up squinting. Squinting=wrinkles.

6. Keep on with the sunscreen. I am blessed with some good genes in regards to the appearance of aging, so don't ruin it all with sun exposure. Both of my parents are 59 and look so young. Yeah for me!!

7. Never let stress be a part of my life. Work to keep it to a minimum. Stress shows up on your skin and hey, life's just better without it (stress that is, not skin
). Maybe add massages to my routine, rather than just on occasion.

8. Wear my false lashes more! I like what Claire's Auntie had to say!

9. Keep open to trying new looks and techniques. Never get stuck in a rut.

10. I am turning 36 this year, so eliminate some of the MAC skincare for specifically targeted, active skincare products. I.e. Perricone, La Mer, DDF, etc.

This is a good thread. It prompted me to stop and think it all over. Thanks!


Well-known member
Mine are simple:

*Start actually wearing MU on a daily basis
*Wear Nail Polish
*I have every taupe in the world we need no more taupe


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MAC_Whore
3. Get laser hair removal. I will never have to shave again. More time in the morning!

I plan on getting laser hair removal this year, too! I figure I spend so much every month getting facial waxes, why the hell not just get rid of the hair permanently in just a few treatments? That way, I won't have to worry about regrowth. I hate that in the two weeks before my next wax, I start looking like a cave woman.


Well-known member
I am talking the whole bod here. The legs, the...well you get the point.
Never have to shave again. I cannot wait.


Well-known member
I'm feelin' you ladies on the Laser hair removal, I want it so badly. I cna't not shave every day, I'm OCD and this would just save so much time!
Anyway, here are mine...

1. Wear false lashes more often.
2. Do my makeup more often. Right now I only seem to do it half of the week.
3. Save my money and start using all of the Perricone products I want. I just ordered both eye are therapy products because I ran out of my free bottles from when my friend worked for them and I have the Concentrated Restorative Cream.
4. Paint my nails more often!
5. Find and buy some new eye-glass frames.


Well-known member
I will really try to stick to these rules:

* Fix a monthly allowance for personal pleasure and this will not be make-up only, so I'll have to be more strict with myself and only buy selected and unique goodies
* Actually use what I have instead of getting more and more products that are almost exactly like the ones I own
* Wear neutrals more often and stick to the colours that I know will suit me (no Accent Red as e/s anymore, for instance)
*No more experiments like "it has never worked before, but maybe this time" (e.g. lining with liquidlasts which just don't apply well for me, so why try a new colour? it's the same type, just a different colour, won't apply differently)


Well-known member
wow this thread is very therapuetic!

ok here are my 2007 Beauty Resolutions

1. Drink more fluids (for some reason I don't drink much of anything I can go for like hours without a drink of water, soda or juice crazy right )

2. Exercise more I need to shed some unwanted pounds & start using the Bally membership I pay for monthly

3. Do more EOTD/FOTD

4. Buy more brushes (I have the essential but I need more lol)

5. Learn & master how to apply eyeliner and foundation ( right now my skill is very weak therfore I don't wear either much)

6. Wear make-up daily (I only wear it when I feel into it )

7. Buy other products other than MAC I hardly ever venture out into other lines of make-up

8. Continue my reg hair,brows, mani& pedicure regimen

9. Get facial laser hair removal

10. Learn more technique and pratice, practice, practice and play around with false lashes


Well-known member
* buy brushes
* take care of my hands, cuticles, and feet, since I climb so much.
* get my hair trimmed regularly
* whiten teeth
* floss regularly
* do cardio, no matter how much it bores me
* wear my falsies
* buy some neutrals


Well-known member
Originally Posted by slvrlips
wow this thread is very therapuetic!...

Agreed. I am enjoying reading everyone's post. Each one has given me something to consider.


Well-known member
-Actually wake-up when my alarm goes off, so I can do more than just basic make-up (foundation, mascara, etc.) everyday for school.
-Put some money aside, so I can actually get a manicure and pedicure on a regular basis.
-Start working out, which includes walking my dog everyday like I used to.
-Remember to take my B Complex vitamin daily.
-Try to not spend all my money on MAC, MAC, and MAC.

I'm sure I'll think of many, many more.