Beauty Resolutions in 07'


Well-known member
I need to use more of the colors that I have and not buy so much M.a.c everytime I get paid. I want to buy a house this fall.


Well-known member
Crazy! I was just thinking about this! Great thread.

1. Use up products like, shampoo, bubble bath and the 10,000 lotions I have - before I buy new ones. Or just throw them the hell out!
It's starting to look like a stock room in here.

2. Wear more red lipstick, this was last year's only resolution, and I only lasted about 4 days. When I have about 15 red lipsticks.

3. Post a tutorial of my pigment pressing technique.

4. Use a pumice stone on those tootsies everyday.

5. Brush and style my hair! It took me 3 years to grow it past my shoulders, and all I do is twist up the knotted mess into a messy bun. LAZY!

6. Make a decision on the budget before I hit the mac counter. I always, always walk away with twice as much as I originally intend to buy.

7. Get more restful sleep.

8. Eat healthier.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by mskitchmas
1. Use up products like, shampoo, bubble bath and the 10,000 lotions I have - before I buy new ones. Or just throw them the hell out!
It's starting to look like a stock room in here.

Oh man that's me right there. I actually started doing this last year and have done really well. I gave a ton of stuff to my b/f's sis, man was she stoked!


Well-known member
1. Remember to curl my eyelashes more often. I don't know why I always neglect it, but I need to work on that.

2. Take better care of my nails and hands. I usually just clip my nails, but they need a lot more work, and I'd like to put polish on them more often.

3. Stop fighting my hair and accept it for what it is naturally. It doesn't want to be totally straight, and the more I do battle with it to try to make it straight, the worse it gets.

4. Blend my eyeshadow better. One can always blend better, eh?

5. I buy a lot of non-MAC stuff, but I feel like I never ended up using it. I want to work on using what I buy instead of picking it up because it looks nice and then ignoring it.

6. Drink more water. It's such a simple thing and so great for the skin, but so often neglected.


Well-known member
Ooh, fun! Ok, here's mine:

-Drink water, not soda. All I seem to drink is Sprite or Diet more!

-Wash my makeup off every day, no ifs ands or buts. (I forget sometimes when I sleep at my boyfriends house. I need to stock his place with my skincare stuff.)

-Don't get stuck in a makeup rut! It seems like I always wear the same 5 eyeshadows,even though I have...ahem...a lot.

-Don't spend money on something just because its LE or DCed and everyone is nuts about it. I keep buying for the glory of having, not for the actual usefulness.

-Did I mention drink water?

-Figure out how to apply false lashes without poking myself in the eye.

-Maybe, *gasp* sell some of the stuff I don't use. It's just so hard to think of it right now, though!



Well-known member
This is such a fun thread! I can't believe I didn't read it until now! Here are my beauty goals:

1. Take better care of my skin, rather than covering it up with makeup. I have always had acne-prone skin, and although it is not nearly as bad as it was in my teens, I still breakout. Maybe I will start seeing a dermatologist or something. I need some skincare regimen. Maybe I will get a skin peel.

2. Take regular care of my hair. I realized on Dec 31st that I have had exactly 2 haircuts since I got married (in Aug. 05). So I immediately went out and got my hair cut. I also see 2 grays where my roots are growing out (EEK!!). So now I have to regularly dye it as well. *sigh*

3. Dress better. I swear, I will take so long to do my makeup perfectly and creatively. Pigments, brushes, MSF's, glitter liners, everything! Then I will throw on my glasses, a hoodie, jeans, and maybe a baseball hat!

4. Keep up with exercising. And *try* to work on developing a healthier with my husband. We eat out waaaaay too much.

5. Invest in better quality of clothes and accessories. I am no longer a poor college student, so I should start buying better shoes and purses. Something classic that I can keep for a while. I swear Payless shoes are inexpensive, but they rip, crack, separate, fall apart very quickly. I will probably spend less in the long term by purchasing better quality, classic clothes, rather than cheap trendy items I will only wear for a few months.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by veilchen
I will really try to stick to these rules:

* Fix a monthly allowance for personal pleasure and this will not be make-up only, so I'll have to be more strict with myself and only buy selected and unique goodies
* Actually use what I have instead of getting more and more products that are almost exactly like the ones I own
* Wear neutrals more often and stick to the colours that I know will suit me (no Accent Red as e/s anymore, for instance)
*No more experiments like "it has never worked before, but maybe this time" (e.g. lining with liquidlasts which just don't apply well for me, so why try a new colour? it's the same type, just a different colour, won't apply differently)

These are my resolutions as well, verbatim!


Well-known member
Beauty Resolutions

So I know it's been 2007 for a few weeks now, but it's never too late to have a New Years resolution!
What are your beauty resolutions for 2007?

here are a few of mine:

-find my HG undereye concealer
-stop compulsively buying clear lipgloss every time I visit the store. ANY store

-pay more attention to a products ingredients rather than their cutesy packaging and advertising claims
-expand my eyeshadow color range
-practice more dramatic looks


Well-known member
~no more LE!!!!
~get into a regular sleeping pattern
~budget MU spending
~exercise more often


Well-known member
wow... this is so interesting to read how most of us are working on the same things! lol.

~I want to get some REAL beauty sleep in regularly... [its just so hard... ive been a nightowl since before i was born!]

~i just recently started buying mac and i love it! but i need to venture out of my comfort zone. and actually get some color!

~i need to do my research [so be it if by trail and error!] and find out what looks good with my skin and eye color.

~i need to stop caring so much about what every other girl is wearing and wear what EYE like! haha.

~i really do need to drink water, but i love coca-cola sooo much!

~i eat nothing but fast food. i should probably stop that.

~i once read in this beauty book that it doesnt matter if you wear the cheapest makeup there is. as long as you invest in great brushes you'll look marvelous everyday. i need to get better brushes.

~i want to get into my cosmetology class when it opens so that i can learn different techniques and all the m/u secrets!

~i need to learn all the lingo u girls use!

~aaaaaaand... i need to buy more cute shoes! lol.

i know it was long. but hey.


Well-known member
Haha I love threads like these.. girls, we should dig this up in a year and see if we actually listened to any of it

1. Keep working out on a regular basis.. I have already lost 4 pounds since Jan 1st.. there is more to come off!

2. Drink way more water.. as per my trainer.. I haven't been drinking any!!

3. Better sleeping habits, so that when I sleep till 10 on Sundays, I can consider that "Beauty Sleep" and not a regular sleep!!!

4. Stop wearing my hair half up or in a ponytail everyday instead of taking the time to straighten it, because it looks better straightened.. I'm just lazy!

5. Wash/tone/moisturise/put eyecream on every morning and night.

6. Buy that Kevyn Aucoin book that everyone raves about so I can learn some more application techniques.

7. Wash my brushes on a regular occasion. Also - it's okay to buy more of those, because they are a good investment. Stop doing stupid things like buying Jete e/s when I already have Jest e/s and they look practically identical.

8. One word - nails. Wow, they are ugly. Stop picking at them, damnit. Do something about them!!!! (I'm picking at them right now

9. Shave my armpits more than once a week.
I know I have to raise my arms over my head in dance class, just because I'm blonde doesn't mean I can get away without doing it.

10. Do not buy any more MAC or Lush until your credit card is completely paid off. Exempt items are things that you use daily, or anything from the Barbie collection.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MAC_Whore
10. I am turning 36 this year, so eliminate some of the MAC skincare for specifically targeted, active skincare products. I.e. Perricone, La Mer, DDF, etc.

You are 36?! If that's you in your avatar.. wow.. I thought you were mid 20s at best!


Well-known member

How did I do? Well....

I've bought 2 Lancome eyeshadows, didn't like them. 3 Clinique buttershines, a blush, and 2 all over face powders.

Did I stick to my budget? (no)
Well, Icon was a lot better in person than I thought it would be. The Sultress quad makes me feel so beautiful. So, with that collection, and the "diversification", I managed to spend more than ever. Don't get me started on Barbie....
I will not even look at Balloonacy - here's to staying away from the hype.

I think my application has improved though! I hope so, anyway! My husband seems to like it.

Originally Posted by Deirdre
Diversify. MAC isn't the only brand out there. I'd like to check out some of the other lines when I go to Holt Renfrew at the end of the month.

Stick to a budget. I spent nearly $300 on Nocturnelle, and I hardly use it! Silly girl.
Maybe 2 or fewer things per collection, on average. I'm skipping Creme and Chrome, and probably Amazon as well, to save up for the Barbie collection. I already want 3 of the eyeshadows.

Tone it down. I really dig the eyebling. You know, 6 shimmering layers and liner, etc. I worry I look a fool.
