"beige-ing" or "bare canvas" as eye primer for eyeshadows??


Well-known member
Hi there, just wondering rather than double up.. which one of the two has more staying power and is a good base to prep the eyes for eyeshadow???... thanx .. Joanne


Well-known member
I vote for the paint it keeps my shadow on longer than the shadestick..but if you can afford both I say get both.. I use the bare canvas paint more but the shadestick offers a different variation of color to the shadow...


Well-known member
Paints dry out my (oily) lids and crease on me. If it was between Paints and SS, I'd say go with the SS. They last on me, and intensify the colors much more than Paints.


Well-known member
i have both and imo, bare canvas has more staying power. even if i apply beige-ing, i use my paint under it.


Well-known member
I think both are great for staying power. It just depends on what you will feel more adapt in using & like as far texture.

So, I have both. I couldn't decide. I can use one or the other alone. Sometimes, I use both. It just depends on what look I want and how much time I want to put into achieving a certain look.

I really like both products. I have several colors of the shade sticks too. The color shade sticks really make eyeshadow colors intensify.