Best brush for Fluidline


Well-known member
Hi Ladies,

I am going to buy my first fluidline. I am leaning toward the #266 brush which has been suggested on Youtube but I notice that the MAC website suggests a different brush with it. Can anyone tell me what would be my best choice for a brush? I am no expert so which ever one would be the easiest for me to use. Thanks!


Well-known member
A lot of people either use the 208 or the 266 brush, the 208 is a lot smaller and thinner than the 266 brush. I small eyes and i like the 208 because i can get a thin or thick line, but with the 266 i have a difficult time because its a lot longer and slightly thicker in width. I also love the 311 lip brush for using fluidline, it gives great precision and makes winged eye lining easy, its all about prefrence.


Well-known member
Thank you so much. That really helped. I am going to have a look at each of those brushes when I go to buy one. It sounds like the 266 would give me less control than the other ones you suggested.


Well-known member
I have both the 208 and 266 and they were both ok for my liner because I was no expert either but trust me when I say that for eye liner the 209 is THE best! and don't think that it's going to be harder because of the shape--not at all, you use the same motion as the with the other two, drawing a lil bit as you go, whats best about this brush is you can do a thick or thin line pretty quick

hope you look into it ;P


Well-known member
ITA with the 209 brush. I used to use the 266 and loved it but once I started with the 209, I rarely grab the 266. I think the 209 gives more precision since it's like using a pen/pencil whereas the 266, I have to "walk" or dab my fluidline first then go over again to get a straight and smooth line. IMO, The 266 is better though when making the flick for a winged liner but for basic lining, the 209 works better.


Well-known member
if you're new at fluidlining, I suggest you get 266. It's easier because it's angled and stiffer than the 208..
or maybe go to MAC and try all the brushes they recommend, and see which one works best for you.
Good luck


Well-known member
i have the 266 and i just bought the 212. the 266 is angled and the 212 is flat. the angled one is great for getting the corners of your eyes, but i do find it a little harder to use than the flat 212.


Well-known member
I just got the 209, and I'm really liking it. Previously, I'd been using brushes similar to the 208, 212, and 194 (though not MAC). This seems to be a lot easier for me. Not that I couldn't get a good line with the other brushes, but this does it a lot more effortlessly for me.


Well-known member
definitely the 210.. it's a lot more precise than the 209. & i have such a hard time getting a nice, thin line with the 266 - i find it works better for brows.


I actually use the mac lip brush 311 to apply my fluidline and find it gives me the thinnest line in comparison to the 266 or 209.


Well-known member
i love the 266... but Ive had it for over a year now and i think its starting to get "old".. it doesnt work as well as it used to....I def have to get a new one! I love it thoughhh!