Best BRUSH to apply face moistrizer?


Well-known member
I often get lotion stuck in my eternity band when applying lotion/sunscreen with my fingers. Is there a good brush for applications of these product? I am thinking maybe a big foundation brush like 190 or 187? Which one would you suggest for a nice, even application? Thanks in advance!!!


Well-known member
i think that both brushes you have suggested are good. I have got the 190, but i suggest you get something smaller than that. I don't know about the 187 because i haven't got it. I would definately reccomend something smaller than the 190. hope this helps!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Love Always Ivy
why not take off the ring before you put on the lotion

If you know how little time I have in the morning (NOT a morning person) to get "pretty" you will understand..

Also, I have already misplaced a ring twice by taking them off for lotion application, don't want to risk it with my eternity ring.....


Well-known member
The 190 from Mac is a great brush, but if you don't feel like putting lotion on a MAC brush, just go to an art store and buy a brush with the same shape as the 190... thats what I do, so I have a lotion brush and a foundation brush, works like a charm.


Well-known member
I've used my 187 for applying moisturizer before, it felt so nice. You could also use the smaller version of it, the 188 I think it is.