Best cake eyeliner?


Well-known member
There's alot around, so I need help searching for the most pigmented one. I was thinking about Benefit Babe Cakes, but I'm not sure how good it is.

Edit: this is probably in the wrong section.. sorry! Someone can move it.


Well-known member
Depends on what colour you want. babe cakes is black and brown only and both of them are great, although as an NC43 the brown could be a little darker. i think chanel and smashbox also do them in other colors, although i haven't tried them.


Well-known member
Thanks girls.. I think I might go for Babecakes as I like how it's a duo. I was just a bit reluctant after hearing about how bad Benefit products are.


Well-known member
i have babe cakes it works preety damn good
i used it for quite a while and its really easy to use more so then a fluid line i would say


Well-known member
Originally Posted by capytan
I was just a bit reluctant after hearing about how bad Benefit products are.

It's not so much that Benefit's products are bad, it's more that the products are targeted at such a narrow market. Reasonably good products, crap colour selection, and a wee bit too heavy on the down-home hokum.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by lara
It's not so much that Benefit's products are bad, it's more that the products are targeted at such a narrow market. Reasonably good products, crap colour selection, and a wee bit too heavy on the down-home hokum.

Gotta tell you, Lara - You are always so spot-on with your advice and you crack me up!


Well-known member
babe cake's great. much better than using a liquid liner. it's smudge proof and very easy to apply with the get bent liner brush. I never go back to kohl pencils since. however... the brown oxidises to orange so it's a must to at least mix with some black. Also, the packaging is not practical. the mirror is pointless cuz you have to spray water on the mirror so you can't use it out of home.

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