Best lip plumping gloss?


Well-known member
i want to plumpen up my pout and i've heard a lot about all different sorts of lip plumping glosses and how they work. First question, it says that they tingle and make the blood rush to your lips making them appear "fuller" this might sound like a stupid question but can this do you any harm? and second question what are the best lip plumping products out there that actually work? ive heard a lot about Duwops lip venom?

Thanks in advance girlsss
A xo


Well-known member
I can't say I know all the medical/tech stuff about them but in alot of cases I've heard its cinnamon that causes a slight irritation (just makes them sting,puff) I use the duwops lip venom and I like it, I dont think it hurts but I supose its different from everyone. I don't think it makes my lips look amazingly bigger but i love it anyway as a gloss since it smells nice and does make them look slightly fuller.


Well-known member
I swear by Fusion beauty's LipFusion Color Shine:
I have it in Sweet and Kiss.It does exactly what it says, there's a visible plupming effect(unlike Lip venom, which turned my lips red and did nothing else).It's pricey, but a little goes a long way so one gloss can last up to a year.It's the best


Well-known member
Too Faced lip injection works great! You can really tell the difference in about 2 minutes. This does tingle on your lips, and many people don't like it because of this. I really like it! You can find it pretty cheap on Ebay!


Well-known member
Too Faced lip injection is really plumps your lips, it also smooths out the lines in your lips and makes your lips a pretty natural red. It does burn a little for a minute, but I enjoy it!


Well-known member
the too faced lip injection is really good, but i get sore lips easily and it just irritates them x10, so bare that in mind. it makes your lips a nice red and pouty, but it does more than tingle on me, it physically hurts. :\ but i've put that down to being sore lip prone!


Well-known member
Bare Minerals makes a really good one! Physicians Formula and Sally Hanson make really good ones. Everyone notices when I wear the Sally Hanson one,it really works. Most of them I tried do nothing,even temporarily.


Well-known member
i bought some too faced lip injection gloss in "kiss"
absolutly love the colour & shade of the gloss
but goshh it is SO sticky, its hard to even apply its that thick
the tingling didn't bother me at all i hardly felt it &
didn't see much of a difference in my lips, maybe 0.1% thicker
any one got any other suggestions? Thanksssss
x x x x x x

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