Best way to go about..


Well-known member
...turning in depotted e/s? This will be my first B2M -I finally depotted some of my e/s. Anywho, I asked an MA the MAC store & she said that they didn't take them without the pan. Should I email MAC b4 I go & print out the email or just go to the store & not acknowledge the missing pans? I know I've read each store & counter differs but I just want to be prepared. TIA!


Well-known member
Every counter and store I've been to allows depotted e/s's for b2m. I don't know why that MA said that. The pots get melted anyways. Maybe try another counter/store? But if that's not an option, getting an actual confirmation from MAC cs should be fine.


Well-known member
if you have a counter/store that will not accept them w/o the pans..
i think the best way to get around this is to get those cheap eyeshadows from claires that everyone uses for pigment pressing ..scrape the eyeshadow out and glue the pan in the pot..they'd never know unless they look real close. lol.
those eyeshadow pans work out to be like.. 35¢ a piece before it's not horribley expensive or anything.

just a suggestion!


Well-known member
I've never had a problem before, and no MA even takes the time to look even. They just count that you have 6 items and that's about it. Try a different location maybe, since you already told them then she'll look to see if the pans are there.


Active member
i depotted 48 and returned them to 6 different MAC's with no problem. I would go somewhere else.


Well-known member
I always send mine in using the form online if I have a problem. It doesn't cost much to ship (no more than gas to get to a counter or store), but you will have to wait a week or two. But this is the way to go if you want stuff that you don't need right this minute!


Well-known member
I just did a post about this in another thread.

Here's a thought:

With everyone stressing about to pan or not to pan when doing Back2MAC, do you think it would be out of the ordinary to tell the MA that you've taken your pans out and reused them for pigment pressing, etc...? That just crossed my mind when I depotted my Naked Lunch. Do you think it would fly if the MA happened to say something about the pan, for those who have experienced it?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ♥MiCHiE♥
I just did a post about this in another thread.

Here's a thought:

With everyone stressing about to pan or not to pan when doing Back2MAC, do you think it would be out of the ordinary to tell the MA that you've taken your pans out and reused them for pigment pressing, etc...? That just crossed my mind when I depotted my Naked Lunch. Do you think it would fly if the MA happened to say something about the pan, for those who have experienced it?

ma's probably dont know about pressing pigments. alot of mac ma's are not mac addicts and dont care. i use to work at a counter (not mac) and hated it after a week. its just work to them and they dont care. I wouldnt say anything about depotting and if they do say something and refuse them, ask to speak to a manager, you spent a lot of money to get those items, so you deserve your item.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Gisselle
ma's probably dont know about pressing pigments. alot of mac ma's are not mac addicts and dont care. i use to work at a counter (not mac) and hated it after a week. its just work to them and they dont care. I wouldnt say anything about depotting and if they do say something and refuse them, ask to speak to a manager, you spent a lot of money to get those items, so you deserve your item.

But, does it matter if they know/care about it or not? Honestly, you shouldn't even have to explain all that. I've met MAs that didn't even know about WBMM and pigment mixing.


Well-known member
I just hand the MAs my little bag full of depotted e/s pots, and I dont mention anything about me depotting them. They just count them and ring me in. Theyve never opened the cases ive turned in to even see if the pans are still in there :p But if they do say that you can't turn the pots in without the pans, just go to another counter/store or mail it in


Well-known member
Originally Posted by SerenityRaine
now I hafta decide which e/s's to get! always such a hard decision when you want the whole rack!

I know, thats the hardest part for me, about b2ming! I always bring a friend or my sister in, and im like PICK A COLOUR FOR ME! Or else I'm likely to pick a shade of pink or green, and I already have 213293 kinds of those shades, and they know it


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ♥MiCHiE♥
But, does it matter if they know/care about it or not? Honestly, you shouldn't even have to explain all that. I've met MAs that didn't even know about WBMM and pigment mixing.

maybe its lack of training, who knows. i dont think it does matter if they care of not, because at the end of the day, it is just a job that can pay semi well.

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