Biggest Skin Care Crimes


Active member
exfoliating too much and picking on spots.. now my pores are huge and have a lot of acne scars.

also using too many skincare products. i personally think good skin comes from within... healthy habits! which means i should be sleeping at this time of night....


Well-known member
Alcohol. I can look at people and tell if they are big drinkers by the quality of their skin (I'm in healthcare).
Picking,squeezing,not listening to their skin. (Not everyone requires a moisturizer!)
Stress handled badly.
Bad diet.

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
Not acknowledging that they need something with an SPF in it. I'm not talking about sitting in the sun baking but people who think it's fine to spend all day outside without slapping on some sunscreen. A number of my friends have done that, including my very pale friends, and it makes me wonder why they don't do it.


Well-known member
Eating poorly, I think many people spend a small fortune on skin care products and then have a horrible diet. Unless you are very lucky you cannot get away with it, it shows up on your skin.


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Not looking after you skin and then hiding it with make-up, I see nothing wrong with using make up to hide flaws but not giving a damn in the first place is unacceptable! It just irks me!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by glam8babe
it makes me cringe when girls dont take off their makeup before going to bed!



Well-known member
Not cleansing / washing / removing makeup adequately each night.
Lack of SPF protection.
Smoking / drinking.
Touching your face constantly with dirty fingers.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by glam8babe
it makes me cringe when girls dont take off their makeup before going to bed!

It grosses me out when people do not shower before bed......and they lie in all that filth from the day....a bed should be a clean place!


Well-known member
Poor diet. lack of exercise and not drinking enough water.
Going to bed with make up on.
People who wear make up everyday. Skin should be allowed to breathe I think.
People who don't pay attention to their skin or bodies and then use the wrong thing.
Washing with soap on your face. Body I don't mind so much but make sure it's one that's more acidic than alkaline as the skin is naturally acidic.

Might sound odd but showering/bathing every day and using hot water all the time when you do. Let your natural skin oils do their thing. After all it's what they're there for. Same goes for hair.

Oh and not paying attention to your hands and feet. They deserve extra care because they work so much harder than the rest of you I think.


Well-known member
Some good points already made! I just wanted to say that no matter your age, take care of your skin. Don't over do it, but I cannot stress the importance of sunscreen. I have friends who still have somewhat good skin and so they think - I am still young I don't need sunscreen. Well, they are going to pay for it in the long run. In fact I see wrinkles and large pores on them already....

Also I don't think you need a fancy or expensive skin care regime but cleansing is important and moisturizing in conjuction with spf. Another mistake is you still have to cleanse even if you don't wear makeup. Don't be lazy about it and do not touch your face with dirty fingers - clogs up your pores!


Well-known member
Bad diet
Not drinking enough
Too much sun/tanning beds
Picking at spots
Not taking make-up off at night
Wearing too much foundation
There's more than I realised!!!

Love Always Ivy

Well-known member
from someone that sells skincare, ive heard some of the most awful things.

1) using bar soap/shampoo/cleansers not intended for facial skin. and then theyre in my store boohooing about pimples. yeah the soap for your butt isnt for your face. if youre using bar shower soap to wash your face and you have redness and dryness and bumps, dont say you have "sensitive skin", you have what we call "moronic habits". i had a guy come in saying he used MANGO BODY BUTTER to moisturize his face and he was wondering why he was breaking out. hi BODY butter =! facial moisturizer.

2) using products for acne when they dont have acne. not every litle bump on your face is acne. using products too strong or not meant for your skin type WORSEN skin conditions and irritate them. i had a girl come in with what looked like raw chemical burns on her face. she used a extremely concentrated acne cream on little bumps on her face, which were originally just a mild allergic reaction, and the acne cream irritated it to the point that it was a chemical burn.

3) skipping on a moisturizer because your skin is "oily". your skin is over producing oil because its not getting the proper moisturization it needs. get yourself a moisturizer meant for oily skin and your skin will stop over producing oil. also excess oil leads to pimples.

4) overwashing oily skin - overwashing leads to a deficit in skin moisture, thus making oily skin continue to over produce oil.

5) exfoliating during an active acne breakout. exfoliating irritates the breakout and spreads it from one area of the face to another. wait until the breakout subsides before exfoliating. EXFOLIATING IS NOT AN EVERYDAY ACTIVITY.

6)piling on tons of foundation and concealers arent going to make your skin flawless. if anything its just making it worse by further clogging your pores. YOUR MAKEUP IS ONLY AS GOOD AS THE SKIN BENEATH IT.

god i can go on and on. skincare isnt all that complicated. get your skin typed by a sales associate or aesthetician, and use the proper skin care lines to combat issues you have with your skin. its easy:
1) wash 2) tone 3) moisturize 4) makeup remover.
if you have time to do 20 minutes on your makeup and 20 minuteson your hair, you have 5 minutes at the beginning and the end of the day to take care of your skin.


Well-known member
I can't stand watching people pull and tug on the delicate skin around their eyes, for example, when they are applying eyeliner, or when theyre washing their face. My once-stunning cousin used to pull the skin so taut when she would apply makeup that she now has heavy lines around her eyes and shes only 22!


Well-known member
Using those acne-medicated wipe pads (neutrogena, clearasil, oxy, everyone makes them) all over your face in lieu of washing it. Those are not intended for people who are just too lazy to wash their faces! And people wonder why they dry out/have red blotches! It baffles me.


Well-known member
The absolute worst thing anybody can do to their skin is exposing it to the sun. That tan might look hip right now, but you pay for it years down the road. I worked in dermatology for a year and we'd have these older women come in for procedures to try and make their leathery skin look younger, and whenever they'd complain about new spots showing up, the doctor would always repeat that the damage was done years ago by the sun and some spots take years to manifest itself.

Sun damages your skin. It damages the way your skin regenerates its cells. Stay out of the sun as much as possible, and when you have to be in it, use the highest SPF you can get your hands on.

Think of Donatella Versace. It's not just smoking, partying, drug use, and staying up all night that makes her skin look like it would make a really lovely LV clutch, most of that was from the sun.


Well-known member
The absolute WORST thing you can do to your skin, regardless of skintype is expose it to the sun. UVA rays cause a lot of damage years down the road. This from an avid sun worshipper in my misspent youth. I'm quite religious about applying sunblock to my face, neck and hands every single day now.

The 2nd biggest skincare crime is poor cleansing habits. You must clean it in the morning and really take care to clean it in the evening to remove all traces of sunblock and makeup. This is one of the biggest contributors to clogged pores.

Poor nutritional intake. Not drinking enough water and liquids to keep your skin hydrated is another terrible crime. It's amazing how much your complexion will improve when you start drinking more water, green tea and adding omega fatty acids and fresh fruits and veggies to your diet.

Harsh cleansers, treatments and not enough topical moisture regardless of your skintype. Anything too harsh strips your skin of healing oils and can damage your acid mantel. To avoid this, be sure your cleansers and toners have the right PH balance. Healthy skin PH ranges between 5 and 7 PH.

Bacteria: Dirty pillowcases, washclothes, hands, makeup brushes, hair, keep it clean. Change pillowcases twice a week, use a different washcloth every single time, wash those handses before you touch your face, if you have too much product in your hair restrain it and clean your makeup brushes once a week at a minimum!

Lack of sleep and too much stress.

Too much makeup. If your skin needs improvement, focus on the skincare first rather than the makeup.

overzealous anything! This includes extractions, exfoliation, treatments. Keep everything in moderation.

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