Originally Posted by MarieLisa_Smile
Here's another year of Black Friday! I always wanted to know why is it called "Black Friday"? I know everyone have their own opinions so I want to hear em... I must say over here in New Orleans, they have people camping outside the store
Did you go camping also?
If so, What did you get and for how much???
Definition: What is Black Friday?
The day after Thanksgiving in the United States, is frequently referred to as
Black Friday.
General Use: One of the major U.S. holiday shopping days. The day many U.S. consumers begin Christmas shopping. The day is heavily promoted by retailers.
Origin: The origin of
Black Friday comes from the shift to profitability during the holiday season.
Black Friday was when retailers went from being unprofitable, or "in the red," to being profitable, or "in the black", at a time when accounting records were kept by hand and red indicated loss and black profit.
Also Known As: The day after Thanksgiving.
This was taken from About.com:
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Now.... I just stood in line for an hour in 52 degree weather, just to be told that what I came for was gone (by Best Buy employees). Here they give out vouchers to people in line for the things they want until they run out. It would have been alot nicer if they had continued to walk to the back of the line and let us know that sooner.
I went for a freakin' computer (that I didn't even want) because it was cheaper, so that I could start my business. What I really need is an Apple Mac notebook. Oh well, I made up in my mind that if it was for me, it was for me. And obviously it wasn't. Never settle!
But hey, now I can go spend a little money on MAC today