Black Pearl in a Thunder and Hail Storm


Well-known member
So despite the fact that it's spring my entire little area of the world is on snow watch. I have been caught in several hail storms this week and friends who were up early this morning told me that it snowed for a while. Well luckily "thunder" only refers to the e/s.


Here is my black pearl ring that inspired this look. I wish I could get something closer to the color of a black pearl. First of all, mine is dyed (a very common practice for black pearls this small) so that'll make it hard, but I also don't have a silver e/s.


Under Painting: Sharkskin s/s
Highlight: Modest Tone e/s & Arena e/s
Crease: Embark e/s & Carbon e/s
Lid: Pandumonium+Carbon e/s, Thunder e/s, Envy e/s (smashbox)
Upper Eyeliner: Mauvement e/s, Roadstripe e/s (urban decay Vellum= mac dupe)
Lower Liner: Sharkskin s/s, Crystal Avalanche e/s, Knight Divine e/s, Carbon e/s

CC greatly appreciated. Recs for a lip to go with this look and a gunmetal grey pigment also greatly appreciated!