Blackheads !!!@#$%^@


Well-known member
Seriously I've had these buggers since I was 13 and they have progressivly gotten worse. They cover my nose, cheeks and chin and nothing I have tried works. Is this something a dermatologist would need to be seen about? What are your girls' solutions? MONEY IS NO OBJECT!! Thanks yal!!


Well-known member
Are you currently doing anything to treat them? Yes- seeing a dermatologist could definitely help you. Seeing a good aestetician who specializes in facials and skincare may also be beneficial.


Well-known member
Any suggestions for treatments, products, etc., etc.??

Originally Posted by martygreene
Are you currently doing anything to treat them? Yes- seeing a dermatologist could definitely help you. Seeing a good aestetician who specializes in facials and skincare may also be beneficial.


Well-known member
blackheads need to be extracted by a dermatologist or aestetician - unlike whiteheads they dont just go away with time, your blackheads need to be unearthed to be completely ridded of them


Well-known member
if you go to the aestetician or derm. they can give you suggestions on what treatments you should go forward with since none of us can see your skin in person.


Well-known member
The only way I know of is to get a facial. The esthetician will be able to extract the blackheads. After that, you can do things to try and *prevent* the blackheads, but honestly if you get them, you get them. There's no way to stop getting blackheads entirely, as far as I know. You just have to get facials.


Well-known member
exfoliating perhaps????? well for me, i use to have a couple of blackheads just round my nose, then i went on to use a proper face exfoliator and that seemed to get rid of them. I've been exfoliating my face now for about a month and since then i haven't seen another blackhead on my nose.


Well-known member
oh dear. my nose is full of them. what about the myth (sorry, watching mythbusters
) that you can sort of "pull" them out with a needle if they're large enough?


Well-known member
I also suggest seeing a dermatologist. He or she can tell you what to do to help prevent them and prescribe something to get rid of them.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ilovexnerdsx
oh dear. my nose is full of them. what about the myth (sorry, watching mythbusters
) that you can sort of "pull" them out with a needle if they're large enough?

My husband does this... he is tall (6'4") and well, I guess his pores are large. (larger then any of ours). After he does a Biore strip, he can tweeze out the rest if his black heads since they are half pulled out from the strip. They are all just on his nose.

I also have black heads on my nose. What I do is use salicylic acid toner, lactic acid lotion, retinol creams and Biore strips (all in different applications just switching up every day with a different product, and all just on my nose) to fight them off... and I still have them! Although they are small and only noticeable in a magnification mirror. I just got the mircodelivery peel, I hope this helps them out a little bit...


Well-known member
Originally Posted by sewpunk
My husband does this... he is tall (6'4") and well, I guess his pores are large. (larger then any of ours). After he does a Biore strip, he can tweeze out the rest if his black heads since they are half pulled out from the strip. They are all just on his nose.

I also have black heads on my nose. What I do is use salicylic acid toner, lactic acid lotion, retinol creams and Biore strips (all in different applications just switching up every day with a different product, and all just on my nose) to fight them off... and I still have them! Although they are small and only noticeable in a magnification mirror. I just got the mircodelivery peel, I hope this helps them out a little bit...

mine aren't noticeable unless you look really closely either. the times ive used biore strips, i dont think theyve done anything. maybe i should try to do that then pull them out...hmm.. thanks


Well-known member
without knowing your skin history, what you are currently using/doing for it, and without your having visited a dermatologist my biggest suggestion is to see a dermatologist, and perhaps discuss trying a retinoid treatment.

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
Short term treatment: go get a facial. Your skin will feel beautiful, and it'll never look or feel cleaner.

Long term treatment: talk to a dermatologist. They may only recommend facials or getting a different treatment.


Well-known member
Mario Badescu silver powder! Better to break down the blackhead and have it work itself out natrually rather than have painful extractions done.


Well-known member
Try some sort of peel - like a light glycolic or lactic acid peel to start. I have been doing at-home peels for @2 years now and my skin has never looked better. I started at a low % glycolic and am now up to 12% TCA peels once every other month.

I have gotten peels from and Both are great and the prices are extremely reasonable!

The peels are especially effective at getting rid of blackheads on the nose. The very first peel I did I remember them just literally falling out!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by lara
Mario Badescu silver powder! Better to break down the blackhead and have it work itself out natrually rather than have painful extractions done.

You have GORGEOUS skin! What is your whole regime?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ilovexnerdsx
oh dear. my nose is full of them. what about the myth (sorry, watching mythbusters
) that you can sort of "pull" them out with a needle if they're large enough?

i think what you are thinking about are if your blackheads are covered over with esthetician can use a lancet to properly break the skin covering it and extract it that way. the needle isn't used to extract the blackhead itself, just break the skin.
i know that money is no object, but the cheapest way i got my blackheads to go away is this product called "Blackhead eliminating daily scrub" by neutrogena. it has salicylic acid in it already and it doesn't overdry your skin.
you should try it out because i know that it's less than $10 <33