Blonde on Blonde Lipstick - Real or fake?


Well-known member
So last week I bid and won a brand new MAC Blonde on Blonde lipstick on ebay from user aprylshwrs ( i got it today and it is stunning in the tube, it definitely looks real. I have not used it yet though. I have noticed a few odd things about it:
It did not come with a box. When I twist the tube, it is very easy. I have 5 other lipsticks and all of them are hard to turn. Not hard, but you need to actually twist to make it give. This one is very very easily turned. Also the MAC logo on the outside of the tube is a little worn away, and not very shiny, and the M looks a little wider than the other lipsticks, but that may because the middle of it, where there's the gap is a little larger from being worn away.
In the middle of the flat of the top of it, it has a dark line of pigment, however, so does my Orchidazzle lipstick (which I have not yet used and was bought from a counter).
Another thing is the label on the bottom. The letter look slighter smaller than the other lipsticks. Also, the name is much much smaller than all the other names of my lipsticks, however I suspect that is because it is a longer name than the rest. The name 'Blonde on Blonde' is not centered though.

Is this a fake? If you want me to I will take pictures. Thank you!
Edit: This is the item link.


Well-known member
I would PM caffn8me and see if she has any words of wisdom.


Well-known member
Trust your instincts. If I were you I would write to the person and say 'oi i sense something dodgy, certain things about it aren't right I think it's a fake' and they will probably be more than happy to refund it rather than risk getting negative feedback that they sell fakes. And then you mind end up with a free mac lippie, weather it be fake or not it's hard to tell!


Well-known member
Something does look a bit sketchy with the label on the cap. But, other than that it seems genuine.