Blushy Blush Blush


New member
Ok, so I need help picking out blushes. I bought one (pan form) by mistake at a CCO which made me have to buy a pallet to store it in. now I have a mostly empty pallet and I need to fill it (it's a really wierd obsession). It looks so lonely in there. Well anyways, can someone please tell me what colors would look good on me pretty please! Thanks.


Well-known member
I love tenderling, but it might be too light for you...

try to get blush doubles if you still can, they are the same price as normal MAC blushes but you got 2 colors to try.


Well-known member
i think any blushes that have gold/tan undertones would look really nice on you ;]


Well-known member
def try dollymix! its an awsome color! My friend also just got peachy keen and it looks wonderful on any skin tone!


margin and melba!! i love mac blushes and i know what you mean about wanting to fill the palette up!! but its great that u accidentally bought a palette they loook so nice and professional once you fill it up!

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