BMI Report Card


Well-known member
javascript:cnnVideo('play', '/video/health/2007/02/02/')

I noticed this today, and was reminded about the thread with the 4 year old. Seems that your local schools will be telling your kids if their overweight as well. Granted it's not everywhere, but it will be.

Edit - Meh can't get the link to work right... But you can search the Yahoo News Video's for BMI and it'll pop up.

Or go there, and it's under the "health" section, at least for today.

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
A medical doctor and the parents are the ones who should be worried, not really the schools. Teach them good nutrition and the importance of exercise in health, and that's it.

People are expecting schools to do too much.


Well-known member
I remember reading an article about that, the parents interviewed were pretty angry because they though it would give their children weight complexes...but its a losing battle, people complain when the schools aren't doing enough, and then complain when they do.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Beauty Mark
A medical doctor and the parents are the ones who should be worried, not really the schools. Teach them good nutrition and the importance of exercise in health, and that's it.

People are expecting schools to do too much.

Parents have to be worried b4 they get to a medical doctor. And with the obesity epidemic in our youth, there obviously not.

FYI, this could also be used for underweight children to give parents a heads-up on any girls who may be succeptable to ED's.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by GalleyGirl
I remember reading an article about that, the parents interviewed were pretty angry because they though it would give their children weight complexes...but its a losing battle, people complain when the schools aren't doing enough, and then complain when they do.

Parents just dont like having it pointed out their killing their kids.

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
I know it could help both ends of the spectrum, but I think there are other signs that should clue in any good parent without using BMI.

I just think sometimes we expect too much out of the school systems, considering what they already have to deal with as is.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Beauty Mark
I know it could help both ends of the spectrum, but I think there are other signs that should clue in any good parent without using BMI.

Yeh but the good parents, the ones taking active interest in their children, and their health, probably dont have obese children. So they woulnd't be getting the letters in the mail anyways.

little teaser

Well-known member
im curious to know what the angry parent looks like and if they were obese, i think its great the schools gets involve i saw a program on tv that talk about diabetes in kids and the numbers were riseing cause of poor eating habits, of course its the parents that are suppose to teach there kids but thats not always the case and thats where the school should say something, i also saw a show called intervention where the mom was anorexic for 10 years and her daughter got to where she didnt want to eat either cause she was picking up moms habit..


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Beauty Mark
I know it could help both ends of the spectrum, but I think there are other signs that should clue in any good parent without using BMI.

I just think sometimes we expect too much out of the school systems, considering what they already have to deal with as is.

ITA... quality of education is already struggling, now schools have to function as a diet center, too? Where are the parents? Oh yeah, both holding down jobs so the kids can afford playstations and Coke. Gah.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by little teaser
im curious to know what the angry parent looks like and if they were obese, i think its great the schools gets involve i saw a program on tv that talk about diabetes in kids and the numbers were riseing cause of poor eating habits, of course its the parents that are suppose to teach there kids but thats not always the case and thats where the school should say something, i also saw a show called intervention where the mom was anorexic for 10 years and her daughter got to where she didnt want to eat either cause she was picking up moms habit..

This is a little backwards because most school lunches just contribute to kids' poor nutrition. Schools are so broke they can't say no when cola and candy companies want to pay them to put junk food spitting machines in the cafeterias. The food they serve isn't much better, and is usually laden with transfats and white flour

little teaser

Well-known member
Originally Posted by Beauty Mark
I know it could help both ends of the spectrum, but I think there are other signs that should clue in any good parent without using BMI.

I just think sometimes we expect too much out of the school systems, considering what they already have to deal with as is.

im sorry that i have to disagree, a good school and teacher dont really feel that way, when i go to a parent/teacher conference she tells me that its team work they do there part when childs at school we do our part when there at home if both work together the results are better.


Well-known member
I dunno about the rest of the US, but most of the schools in CA dont offer soda and candy anymore (not like when I was in high school and my everyday lunch included a Dr Pepper.. haha. and possibly some sour licorice...

Now my brother is in high school and he has health food lunches there these days..
no soda no candies.

sucks for him . lol


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MxAxC-_ATTACK
I dunno about the rest of the US, but most of the schools in CA dont offer soda and candy anymore (not like when I was in high school and my everyday lunch included a Dr Pepper.. haha. and possibly some sour licorice...

Now my brother is in high school and he has health food lunches there these days..
no soda no candies.

sucks for him . lol

You're right, there are notable exceptions. I used to live in Berkeley and I know they have an organic lunch program and even an organic garden kept by the students
If only the whole country could follow suit...


Well-known member
What ever happened to the sack lunch?

1/2 an apple
Peanut-Butter and Jelly Sammich
And a juice box?

little teaser

Well-known member
Originally Posted by lemurian
This is a little backwards because most school lunches just contribute to kids' poor nutrition. Schools are so broke they can't say no when cola and candy companies want to pay them to put junk food spitting machines in the cafeterias. The food they serve isn't much better, and is usually laden with transfats and white flour

your right some schools are like that others are not, when my son went to schools in hawaii they did have soda machines in the lunch rooms, but the school he goes to now does not, and last year they could bring chips, cookies for snack, this year parents got a letter saying they couldnt bring junk foods for snacks no more so maybe things will change.

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
im sorry that i have to disagree, a good school and teacher dont really feel that way, when i go to a parent/teacher conference she tells me that its team work they do there part when childs at school we do our part when there at home if both work together the results are better.

The problem is that there so many parents who don't do their part. I don't think most teachers mind having to deal with the students' problems or acting as their parent. I'm thinking of my high school and other city high schools, where the teachers were the parents to a lot of these kids. It's fabulous and great that the kids have someone, but that someone ought to be their parents or guardians.

I think it's letting the responsibility of the parents go to someone else, and I'm not even sure if informing the parents/kid is worthwhile. I didn't get to view the video (computer isn't letting me); are the schools going to work with the kids to get them back on track and healthy?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by little teaser
your right some schools are like that others are not, when my son whent to schools in hawaii they did have soda machines in the lunch rooms, but the school he goes to now does not, and last year they could bring chips, cookies for snack, this year parents got a letter saying they couldnt bring junk foods for snacks no more so maybe things will change.

DAMN! no cookies eh?
If I were little and went there,Id smuggle cookies in , lol . everyone would want 'summa my lunch! '


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Raerae
What ever happened to the sack lunch?

1/2 an apple
Peanut-Butter and Jelly Sammich
And a juice box?

No one has time to make lunches anymore - thus Lunchables is cornering the market.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by aeni
No one has time to make lunches anymore - thus Lunchables is cornering the market.

Thats BS. No time? Are you kidding? I gre up with a single Mom working a full time job, and tutoring students 1 on 1 at their homes in home schooling for extra money afterwork. And she still had time to make a lunch for me. And help me with my homework.

Parents who just give their kids $5.00 for lunch are LAZY. Get your FAT OBESE ASS off the couch, and make your kids a proper lunch. When i got to buy a school lunch it was a rarity. I had one of those meal ticket books, and it was for EMERGENCIES.

Parents need to stop shifting the blame and take some responsibility. If your kid is FAT, it's because your FEEDING them crap food. I seem to recall that the kids in the house aren't working full time. I didn't know they paid for all the food for the house on their allowance.

Stop taking them to McDonalds everyday because your to lazy to make a home cooked meal. You dont have to be a stay at home Mom to cook for your kids on a daily basis. You dont have to buy soda (we never had soda in my house when I was little. We had Juice though.) You dont have to buy Captain Crunch, Lucky Charms, Cocoa Puffs, or any of that CRAP serial. But Kix, or Plain cheerios, or OAT MEAL. Put some FRUIT in it, it taiste's better than that other junk, and your kids will LIKE IT.

Learn to be a parent, learn to make smart decisions for your kids. If you teach them how to eat healthy from the start, they wont grow up thinking Chicken Nuggets and a Supersized fries and a extra large Coke, is a well rounded meal.


Well-known member
I couldn't have said it better than RaeRae just did. The health and welfare of your children is your NUMBER ONE job as a parent. If your small child is overweight, it is a DIRECT reflection on you. Last time I checked, if my kid wanted to eat, I had to prepare the meal. My kids sure can't drive themselves to a fast food place, nor can most of the obese children in this country.