bob barker


Well-known member
here's my rant: people who don't know shit about dogs but own/breed them anyway. so, to the dumbass who said that neutered dogs don't learn to piss with their leg up....well, 1st) so? who the fuck cares? 2nd) that rarely has anything to do with sexual status. it has more to do with dominance and breed. giant breeds rarely lift their legs because it is harder on their hips to do so. same goes with some stockier breeds like bulldogs and dachshunds. i have a 100lb gsd who wasn't neutered until 10 months of age (well after sexual maturity). he doesn't lift his leg b/c of his size.
neutering is essential to a dog's health. it prevents or greatly reduces the risks of many types of cancers. reduces the risk of fistulas. prevents pyometra in females. prevents unwanted pregnancies, mastitis, eclampsia, and dystocias. the only reasons not to spay/neuter (other than an underlying health problem in the animal) are selfish ones.

1. i want him/her to have one litter so i can have one of the puppies. why? the puppies aren't guaranteed to come out anything like either of the parents. there are millions of dogs being killed in shelters every year that would make fantastic pets.

2. he/she is a purebred. and so are 30-50% of the dogs in kill shelters right now. being a purebred is no reason to breed. akc registration proves NOTHING about health, temperment, or even conformation. just that both parents were of the same breed.

3. i want the children to experience the miracle of birth. yeah, the bloody mess of birth is a great thing for a child to see. especially when some of the puppies are stillborn (which happens at almost every birth). or when a puppy doesn't develop properly and is born with organs outside the body or without legs. that's fun for the whole family. or how about when the puppy gets stuck in the birth canal and the mother can't deliver on her own. so you rush the dog (and the kids of course) to the er vet at 3am and realize that you didn't bother to set aside the $1500 for a situation like this. then the kids can pet the dog while the vet euthanizes her. i'm sure they'll be glad they got to see that. if you really want to set a good example for your kids, you will neuter your pets and maybe get involved with rescuing and fostering homeless dogs. THAT is a great life lesson.

4. i can make some money. yes, you can. if you are doing it wrong. responsible breeders spend thousands a year on OFA and CERF certifications, trips to the veterinarian, cardiologist and endocrinologist. they pay travel expenses and entry fees for conformation shows, agility trials, obedience classes and trials and tracking lessons. they screen homes and have them lined up before the puppies are even born, often before the bitch is even bred. they do NOT sell to the first person with a wad of cash and they do NOT advertise on CL or in the newspaper.

and again to the same asshole who also said "Besides why should the dog have to suffer for the owners lack of responsibility? If they dogs were better taken care of, they would not have the opportunity to get loose. Hell our kids are getting loose and banging, lets neuter them too!!!!!"

where to's hard to believe that people can be this ignorant. neutering, especially in males is relatively painless. males are usually back to their normal selves before the end of the day. they do not know that anything is different. just that they took a nap at the vet and woke up with a few stiches. DOGS ARE NOT PEOPLE. they don't think "Oh God - my nuts are gone!" intact male dogs' lives are literally consumed by hormones. they are constantly frustrated by not being able to mate. a neutered male is not bothered with those impulses and is more able to lead a happy life as a member of the family.
you say it's not fair that the dog have to suffer? but it's okay that they have to suffer from prostate cancer or perianal fistulas? from uncontrollable hormones? from anal gland problems? if you DON'T want your dog to suffer, neuter him.
you're right, dogs should not have the opportunity to get loose. however, an intact male can smell an intact female up to a mile away and these dogs will often do whatever it takes to get to each other including tearing a fence apart or breaking through a window or door. plus, if a neutered dog gets loose there is no chance of it getting pregnant or impregnating another dog.
and the kid comment...well, that just proves how much of an idiot you really are. if your kids are getting loose and "banging" it is because you are a bad parent. you didn't bother with teaching them any values or giving them any rules to abide by. children can process thoughts and make decisions. dogs are solely controlled by their hormones. they are unable to make the decision to just ignore their sexual urges and do what they should. the fact that the SPCA actually adopted a dog to someone as ignorant as you makes me want to call them and bitch them out.


Well-known member
it's official now................. i love u shimmer


Well-known member
we just adopted our 4th dog last thursday.. she followed my DH home when he went ou for his daily run...


Well-known member
Me too...I've always said if I win the lotto I am quitting my job and buying acres of land to house dogs!


Well-known member
I'm still looking for a puppy.
We had decided no, because we were keeping Penelope...but we can't keep Penelope here so my mom is going to, so I get a little fluffball.


Well-known member
I dont understand what this has to do with bob barker? *confused*

Maybe I'm not just reading this right?

But I do agree with you 100%!


Well-known member
At the end of every episode of TPIR he says "Spay or neuter your pets!!!" as the credits start rolling


Well-known member
You've taken all my rants about breeding animals and put them in one neat little post. THANK YOU. There's a lot of stupid people out there, huh?

Sad to say, many people don't think the way we do about animals, Jamie (if I may call you that)....Oh, there are many that DO cherish and love them, but many more who look at them as nothing more than a toy. People get bored with toys.

This isn't involved w/ the breeding aspect, but one thing that really KILLS ME is when people get a pet, seem to love it...then....THEY HAVE A BABY. Suddenly, they don't "need" Fluffy anymore, or Fluffy is "too much trouble", or they "are afraid for the baybeee" [cringe] Now Fluffy gets left wherever they can leave it, which often times means at the pound, or with some irresponsible schlep. I have four cats, two dogs and an Umbrella Cockatoo..all rescued..a few of them 'cause some azzhole got them before thinking it through and then had a kid...IMO, that's just horrible and disgusting.

Anyway.....Thanks for letting me rant. Thanks SO MUCH for your post!

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
It boils down to people not having any respect or regard for animals. People give such bs reasons for getting rid of their dogs. I can understand unknown allergies or unexpected health problems or a few other reasons (my friend had to get rid of her dog because of behavioral problems with him, but they tried for a year.)

I can't believe anyone would think it's appropriate to show your children "the miracle of life" through watching a dog give birth. People like that should be neutered and forbade to adopt so they don't have the opportunity to have children with that mentality.

I also don't understand the need for a purebred, unless you plan on showing your animals or breeding. Even if you are concerned about purebreds, there are plenty looking for homes.

I want to get a dog and a cat. I'm really debating over the age of the animals. I love puppies and kittens, but hardly anyone wants the older animals.


Well-known member
I have to agree with you....we've never had a dog who wasn't spayed or neutered...and you're right - it doesn't matter if a male dog doesn't pee with his leg up...does that small fact make him less of a male???

DH and I always adopt the older, bigger dogs because we know everyone wants the cute little puppies (at least until they get big). I don't have the time or patience to housebreak a puppy, either, so we go with adults.

BTW, my 140 lb. Neapolitan Mastiff male is neutered and pees with his leg up when he feels like it!!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
I can't look at pet shelters because of this.
I want to take all of themhome.

Me too...


Well-known member
I agree, of course. I love animals so much and it just makes sense to spay/neuter them so they they aren't stuck in shelters.

I just adopted a sweet kitten from the shelter the other day! She is already spayed which I'm happy about.


Active member

I have Birddog/Lab X that is spayed. She's a 'pogo dog' in that she springs like she's on a pogo stick. and she's not fat.
I have a Lab X with whatever that I inherited, and he's not spayed.
I have a Lab that is neutered, that I inherited.
I have a Cocker Spaniel that is spayed (and the 'baby dog'). Two are purebreds and both are neutered.

I'm not messing with puppies. I also don't understand the mentality of people who drop dogs off out in the country. That's cruel.

But I will add that I don't understand why the gent who shot the dog that was dropped off and chasing his cattle had charges filed for animal cruelty because he shot the dog. The judge dismissed it, but because a new resident in the area (darn city slicker!) filed a complaint, it had to be investigated, etc. Excuse me, but euthanasia is euthanasia. a bullet is cheaper than a vet trip. Those cattle are more important than the dog. cost more too.

Chic 2k6

Well-known member
I totally agree with you Shimmer, my nanny wanted a dog so instead of going to the breeder, she went to the pet shelter and brought home the most sweetest lurcher x sheepdog, he wasnt neutered and he kept running off and he did become a daddy of a litter of puppies, and i know that the owner kept a puppy and gave the rest good homes, Alfie's been neutered for over 5/6 years now and he still likes to hump the females haha

Me and Mom been looking around pony rescues to rehome an abused pony but no luck
hopefully we may rescue a couple from the Dartmoor ponies drifts, any ponies left that isnt sold, usually plain coloured colts (boys) are left behind, they dont get released, they get culled for dog food

its not just Pet shelters, its pony shelters too. I still cant get over how someone could abuse an animal and not give it a loving home
Breeders should be illegal.


Well-known member
All of my dogs were rescued. My first one, Max (R.I.P.) my mom found through a woman at work. He was abused and didn't take kindly to the other dogs in her house or her small children. They were gonna drop him off at the pound, but my mom went and met him and fell in love with him and brought him home to us. I wasn't as young as the other kids, so he wasn't bothered, he loved being apart of my family. If we hadn't rescued him, he'd probably have been euthanized. My 2nd dog Joey, we got from the pound. His first owner got him as a gift from her boyfriend; then when she and the boyfriend split, she could no longer stand to look at the poor thing because the breakup was hard. So the fuck what?! I hate when people get dogs as gifts and all of a sudden it's an accessory not a pet.
My last dog we got out of a doggy foster home. He was 10 weeks old, a mixed breed, but nobody wanted him because he wasn't pure white like the others in his litter. He's all white with one black ear, it's his adorable trademark, and so we named him Patch
I rescued a shelter dog a few months before Patch, his name was Puddles (because that's what he left all over the floor lmao), he was rescued from Tijuana, Mexico. He wasn't taken care of at all, because 10 days after we got him, he died and we found out it was because he had distemper, probably passed on from his mother, who died in a puddle of dirty drainage water, which is probably what she lived on.

People take pets for granted, they're not an accessory or a toy or something to have. My friend got a Yorkshire terrier from a breeder (From the way she described the place, it sounded like a puppy mill.) and her reason for getting him was because she was lonely and needed something to make her feel like she had a life. Awful. I keep pets because I love pets. I've had 3 dogs die, all of the deaths were tearful and devastating to my family. People need to treat pets as family memebers, they're not ornamental.


Well-known member
I agree I cant even get into it, it makes me angry..UGH!
and I had to thank you Shimmer because you had 666 thanks.. and im all weird like that