bobbi brown's shimmerbrick reccs on nc43


Well-known member

which BB Shimmerbricks would u reccomend for my skintone?? i use studio tech nc43, im stuck btwn apricot, bronze, beige n brownie..i dont knw which 1 suits me best..

wat do u guys think??

thank youuuuu


Well-known member
I love the brownie one!! bronze second. i think the least one you should get is the beige one.


Well-known member
thanks 4 ur reply! honestly im stuck btwn bronze n brownie bt i thot id put the beige 1 in as well n c wat ppl think..
ur nc43 like me which helps me a lot. im guna try brownie n bronze, 1 on each cheak hehehe n c wat i like more


Well-known member
MissMayah hw does the bronze differ from the brown?? im away on holliday n there dsnt seem 2 b bobbi brown anywere! cnt wait 2 come back n shop at MAC n get the shimmerbricks from BB! btw which brush do u use 2 apply it?
thank youuuu


Well-known member
I am NC25, and I wanted the beige but they were out, so I got the apricot, which I am very very happy with! I still think I will get the beige at some point though!


Well-known member
what would suit me best, brownie or bronze?
i want one that would give me a nice glow since i don't have any MAC MSF's..what brush would you reccomend as well?


Well-known member
I don't have the bronze, so I don't know what it is like. Brownie is a medium brownish color with a touch of rose. It would look nice on you I think, sort of a soft brown based blush with shimmer.

I always use a skunk brush with any shimmer product, if you apply too much it's not as pretty. Less is more. HTH! Let us know what you decide.


Well-known member
thanks frocher!
i'll probably go to the BB counter here and try them out see what looks better on me.
because all i want is a something that adds glowiness to my face
i'll definately let you know which i get


Well-known member
just to let you all know, i bought the bronze shimmer brick and im loving it!
thanks everyone!


Well-known member
Good choice, the bronze is nice. On paler skin tones suh as mine you have to watch for too much orange but your skin looks to be a deeper tone, I am sure it's gorgeous on you.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by nunu
just to let you all know, i bought the bronze shimmer brick and im loving it!
thanks everyone!

my brother just got the bronze for me but i haven't tried it yet...i originally wanted gold but it's LE so he couldn't find it.

i'm so glad u love the bronze it makes me feel a little more at ease about it! i can't wait to try it out!

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