Bobbie Brown in Bloomingdales (Interview coming up)


Hey ladies so I had a interview with the cosmetic manger at bloodmindales Saturday! She is going to call me in a week to set up an interview with the Bobbie brown rep/account manger. She told me to research Bloomingdales and Bobbie brown cosmetics as much as I can. Now I worked for Mac for about 3 months but Bobbie Brown starts their artist off with 20-30 $ an hour && the line is more suitable for me. The manger told me that Bloomingdales is not an easy company to work for, you have to build a clientele,which I'm not worried about but she stressed that some people say they can do the job and then they can't! Now I'm a little worried. My questions are How do you like working for BB? What was your interview process like? What can you tell me about the BB 10 step makeover? Do you know someone or have you ever worked for Bloomingdales, what was that like? Thanks in advance ladies!!


Hi! Well i work in a bb free standing store located in Brussels, so i do not know what's it like to work for bloomingdales. Working for Bobbi Brown is not always easy, they are very strictly and do not take no for an answer. So you always have to be Bobbi ready, wear a watch (black one if you have one) no details on The clothes (no gold or silver just like black shimmer) accessoires need to be very timide :). And About The Bobbi Brown 10 steps, you start explaining The facechart, let The client fill in her forms, and then start by desinfect your hands to clean The skin and observe The skin , then you start with The skincare that's perfect for your client (use intensive skin supplement even on oily skins) do The swatching technique with The foundation sticks . The one that blende in The most with The skin is The Perfect one. (Try again on The forehead if you're not sure About The color) corrector and concealer depend on The color of fdt, and you can look it up in The face shade Guide. After This all done applying powder and bronzer, if you're using a bronzer take a pop up color as blush (pale pink, peony,...) lips natural color swatch with 2 colors , liner and gloss. Brows natural with powder or The brow shaper, eyes base (bone , Shell , ivory , depends on skincolor :) ) eyeliner with The gelliner do not work with flicks on The outer corner, its not really Bobbi so stop at The last lashes. Add mascara (extreme party mascara is Bobbi's favorite!) The interview is not really stressy they Asked me different things in different languages .. There you go!! And good Luck!