Bonding VS. Veneers


Well-known member

So I have a gap between my two front teeth and have been getting it bonded for the past 16 years ( that old!). You have to replace the bonding every 8 years or so. Well guess what, it's time to replace!
It's becoming kind of transparent and yellowy...I notice it in my pix

Anyways, I am wondering if having a veneer is a better option.
Any ideas?


Well-known member
If you get a veneer, they basically shave your teeth down to nubs. Teeth look great with veneers but they are expensive and I have known of ppl that have had problems. One of my coworkers' veneers (both on her two front teeth) became loose and she was freaking out because she couldn't walk around without them. They glued them and said that they should be okay.

On the other hand, my sister has two and has had them for eight years with no problems. Are braces as alternative for the space? What about invisalign?


Well-known member
I've had 4 veneers on my front teeth for about 18 years. Yes they have to shave the tooth down, but veneers are very natural looking. I've had to replace them once after about 12 years. Talk to your dentist.


Well-known member
Yes, you do need to have your tooth prepped to get veneers HOWEVER it's MUCH more conservative than a crown prep. A GOOD set of veneers will cost you anywhere between 900-1500 per unit. They will last you upwards of 20 yeas if they are well taken care of. I have 7 units of veneers and a 3 unit bridge (I had an accident when I was young and lost a tooth). I had braces for 6.5 years and my teeth still shifted so I had an oppertunity through a dental company I used to work for to have them done. Let me tell you, I would do it all over again in a heartbeat. My only advice to you is go to a COSMETIC DENTIST. It's their specialty and trust me, you want to pay the extra money and have them be PERFECT.


Well-known member
I too have veneers. Mine are porcelain veneers on my two front teeth.
When I was a youngster I was in a bad swing set accident that left
my two front teeth badly chipped in the middle. I had them bonded
for quite a while. The bonding began to be a problem for me as well,
I was chewing on something I was not supposed to chew on and I chipped the bonding off.I had to get the bonding redone a few times.
Then they started to turn yellow underneath because the dentist did a crappy job.
So I decided to get the porcelain veneers.
Yes it is weird because they do shave your teeth down.
At the time I did not know they did that and once I found out I was sort of freaked out.
I have not had a problem with them ever, just don't bite into hard stuff.
They look really nice, and I am thinking of going to the same dentist
(cosmetic dentistry specialist) to have veneers put on a few of my bottom teeth.
Hope that helps some, if you have any other questions please
let me know if I can help more!

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